23 issues of FA Sig Publication
21 issues Dimension Magazine
1 issue BBW Magazine
45 issues total, a bargain for $45! Dimensions alone was $4.95/$5.95 an issue.
SHIPPING: cost will be determined by the distance and the method you would like to use. Weight: 10 lbs.
PAYMENT: US Dollars at PayPal. An account is free and no cost to you as the buyer.
Whats in these issues? FAs speaking frankly about FA issues; interviews; editorials by Editor Conrad Blickenstorf; fantasies; articles on fat beauty; art by Ned Sontag and others; b&w photos and eventually color photos, cartoons; fat fiction, weight gain fantasy, fat sensuality; fat song lyrics and poems; delicious fat fiction, movie, and book reviews by Wilson Barber; FAs describing encounters with fat women in daily life .and more!
Offered to a buyer in the US and known to the Dimensions forum.
Let me know if you have any questions. The first person replying that they would like these timeless publications has first right to buy.
21 issues Dimension Magazine
1 issue BBW Magazine
45 issues total, a bargain for $45! Dimensions alone was $4.95/$5.95 an issue.
SHIPPING: cost will be determined by the distance and the method you would like to use. Weight: 10 lbs.
PAYMENT: US Dollars at PayPal. An account is free and no cost to you as the buyer.
Whats in these issues? FAs speaking frankly about FA issues; interviews; editorials by Editor Conrad Blickenstorf; fantasies; articles on fat beauty; art by Ned Sontag and others; b&w photos and eventually color photos, cartoons; fat fiction, weight gain fantasy, fat sensuality; fat song lyrics and poems; delicious fat fiction, movie, and book reviews by Wilson Barber; FAs describing encounters with fat women in daily life .and more!
Offered to a buyer in the US and known to the Dimensions forum.
Let me know if you have any questions. The first person replying that they would like these timeless publications has first right to buy.