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Freshman 15 by Anonymous (SSBBW, Feeding, Stuffing, Immobility, ~XWG)

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Green Eyed Fairy

Veteran of a 1000 Psychic Wars
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2006
In Your Head
SSBBW, Feeding, Stuffing, Immobility, ~XWG - woman dives into strength training and friendship

Freshman 15
by Anonymous
(attributed in 2013 to an original BHM tale by an author named Gutgrower)

(A tale migrated from the Dimensions Weight Room and
slightly enhanced as part of our Story Migration Project)

When Sarah started college at Whitmore, she had heard all about the "Freshman 15," but was determined not to let it happen to her. After all, she was tall, athletic and a committed jogger.

She specifically put in a request for a "athletic and fit" roommate on her housing application. She also made sure to include her tennis racket, ice skates, jogging shoes, golf clubs, and baseball mitt in the trunk she packed for school.

Her parents drove her up to Whitmore a few days early so she could be sure to lay claim to the most desirable part of her freshman suite. Two freshman lived in a one bedroom suite and the first one arriving got the bedroom. Imagine her surprise when she opened the door to her suite and there sitting in the bedroom was a woman who must have weighed over 300 pounds!

"Who are you?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, you must be Sarah," the girl said "I'm Peggy, your roommate."

Sarah nearly fainted. What could she possibly have in common with such a tub of lard? After she got over the shock, she said goodbye and went out to dinner with her parents.

"There's got to be some mistake darling," her mother said.

"I specifically asked for an athletic roommate!" Sarah said. "How could they do this to me? That hippo couldn't have ever lifted a finger in her life!"

"Don't worry about it," her father said. "You just go right down to the housing office on Monday, and demand that they switch you."

As she watched her parents car pull away, Sarah was certain she was going to get a new roommate the next week. When she returned to her room, though, there was surprise in store for her.

Peggy, that "tub of lard" had set up a bench press in the middle of the living room! Not only that, but she was in the process of pressing what easily looked like more than 200 pounds!

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked, incredulously.

Peggy pushed the barbell off her chest with a loud grunt, and then brought it back down to rest on the press, and exhaled loudly. "I'm getting ready for the Olympic trials," she said.

"Olympic trials? In what?" quizzed Sarah.

"Power lifting" Peggy said. "Heavy weight class. Last year I won the power lifting championship of California, with a bench press of 250 pounds. This year I think I can do 300 if I work hard. That should be good enough to qualify me for the trials."

Sarah was flabbergasted. How could this tub of lard be an Olympic athlete? It just wasn't possible!

"Shouldn't you also be doing some kind of aerobic exercise?" Sarah said. "Wouldn't it help with your training?"

"Not necessarily," Peggy said. "I do ride a stationary bike. But aerobic training conflicts with my muscle building program. The last time I started training aerobically, my weight dropped under 250 pounds!"

"What's wrong with that?" Sarah asked.

"Well at 250, I didn't have enough heft to lift 350 pounds in the clean and jerk. I couldn't swing the weight up to my chest -- you need to be big to get the weight in motion. That's why I like to keep myself around 320 pounds, at least."

Sarah found herself speechless. How could she ask for a new roommate now? They had given her an athletic roommate after all -- in fact, a possible Olympian. She felt stuck.

"You know you should try weight training yourself," Peggy said.

"Why?" Sarah asked. "I don't want to get muscle-bound. Guys don't like that."

"You don't have to worry about getting big like me!" Peggy said. "Most women can't get as strong as me no matter how much they train. My father was a power lifter, and I've inherited his genes. But you could build up 25 or 30 pounds of muscle. You'd look a lot sexier to the guys -- no matter what they say!"

"Hmmm" Sarah said. "What would I have to do to weight train?"

"Well first of all," Peggy said, "you'd have to eat a proper diet. Plenty of protein, and carbohydrates, and easy on the fat. If you get serious, you should probably work out 2 hours a day minimum. I can give you a taste of what it's like tomorrow."

Sarah agreed to give it a try. Sure enough, bright and early the next morning, Peggy woke her up, all dressed in sweats.

"Ready to go?" Peggy asked. "Let's pump some iron!"

Sarah dragged herself out of bed, showered, and put on her sweats. Not only did her roommate weigh a ton, but she was also tiresomely energetic!

Peggy gave Sarah the workout of her life. By the end of the two hours, almost every muscle in her body was aching. She was also incredibly hungry.

They went back to the dorm for breakfast, and Sarah found herself having three helpings of breakfast, more than she'd ever eaten in the morning in her life!

"Coming along tomorrow?" Peggy asked.

"Sure," Sarah said. "If I can move!"

Despite some soreness, Sarah did come along the next morning. For the next six months, they worked out together regularly. Although results came slowly at first, by the end of the third month, Sarah found herself lifting almost three times as much as she had initially.

From 30 pounds, she was now pressing over 90. She had also gained a substantial amount of weight --almost 20 pounds.

At the end of 6 months, she was pressing 135 pounds, which was close to her weight of 160. By June, she could press almost 160, and her weight had ballooned to 175. This was over 50 pounds more than she had weighed in September.

By that time, she and Peggy had grown quite close. Both of them decided to go out for the Tau Beta Eta sorority. Tau Beta Eta was known as the "porker frat," because so many of the women in the frat were overweight.

The cooking at Tau Beta Eta was absolutely superb, and it was quite common for women to gain 100 pounds in a single year.

As Peggy said "I want to live in a place where I won't have trouble keeping my weight up!"

One of the rituals of Tau Beta Eta membership was the hazing retreat, which all the new members had to attend. The hazing was three weeks long and held at a big house in the mountains. This was kept a big secret by the sorority.

When Peggy and Sarah got to the retreat house, they were blindfolded, and led to the center of a room. They could feel other bodies brushing up against theirs in the crowded room, as they waited in anticipation.

"Welcome, new members," a woman's voice stated. "You are now about to be initiated into Tau Beta Eta. Or as we call it --You Beta Eta Lot!"

Several of the girls giggled.

"During the next three weeks, you will each eat more than you ever thought possible. If you are skinny, you will become plump. If you were plump, you will become fat. If you were fat -- you will become very fat."

"Each of you will be assigned your own personal feeders for the three weeks. Their job is to make sure you are continuously supplied with luscious, high calorie, extremely fattening food. Your job is to eat all of it!"

"You will be eating for at least 18 hours a day a diet which will be over 20,000 calories. Most of you will gain over 25 pounds per week. Some will gain over 30 pounds, depending on how much you burn. At the end of the three weeks you will be weighed, and the one who has gained the most weight will become the kitchen supervisor."

Sarah couldn't believe what she was hearing. Adding another 75 pounds to her weight of 175 would leave her weighing over 250 pounds, almost as big as Peggy had been!

The next three weeks went by in a blur. Sarah spent the time eating almost non stop, mostly pies, ice cream, and chocolates. Her belly was so stuffed most of the time that she had to let it hang over her sweat pants.

Her feeder would awaken her in the morning by massaging her huge belly to make room for more food. Then the stuffing process would begin again.

During the three weeks Sarah felt herself grow larger day by day, until she lost track of how much she could eat, or how fat she had become. She just stuffed herself until she was too tired to eat anymore.

At the end of the three weeks, they got Sarah on the scale. As she looked in the mirror, she could hardly believe her eyes. She was enormous! The scales tipped at almost 315 pounds. She had won the fattening prize!

Sarah spent the year as kitchen supervisor. Therein lies another tale…

On her first day as kitchen manager, Sarah was introduced to Jimbo, the head cook. Upon meeting Jimbo, Sarah immediately understood why all the girls at Tau Beta Eta were so fat.

Jimbo's belly was so large that even his tent size tee shirt could not keep it from spilling over his humongous sweatpants. As he sat on a stool with a cookie cutter making cookies, it was difficult for him to reach around his huge belly to get to the dough.

Sarah wondered how a man that big could possibly make love. She doubted that she would be able to straddle his enormous belly to go down on him, especially with her own steadily increasing girth.

On the other hand, if he were on top, she would be afraid of being crushed under his massive weight. And yet, Jimbo apparently was the father of 6 children, perhaps conceived in his slimmer days?

As she approached Jimbo, he swiveled around to greet her, and his massive belly jiggled back and forth.

"You must be Sarah," he said. "I have heard great things about your appetite."

"Oh," Sarah said, instinctively putting her hands around her own protruding belly. "I guess I really porked out during the retreat."

"You gained more weight than any girl in history!" Jimbo exclaimed. "Imagine, 140 pounds in only 3 weeks! With proper feeding, think how big you could be in 6 months!"

"I'm not sure I want to get much bigger," Sarah said. "It's already tough to get used to being as big as I am."

"Nonsense!" Jimbo said. "A girl who can gain weight like you can -- well, it's a kind of a talent. And I always believe in taking talent as far as it will go. For you, gaining weight is second nature. You should be able to put on another 200 pounds next year without even batting an eyelash!"

Sarah gasped. With another 200 pounds she would weight 520! She would be bigger than any girl in Tau Beta Eta, even Kimberly, who weighed around 420.

"The job of the kitchen supervisor," Jimbo said, "is to make sure the girls get a diet sufficiently rich in calories for them to put on an minimum of 50 pounds a year. That means that a plump girl weighing 150 pounds as a sophomore should graduate with a weight of 250 pounds. Of course, many girls will gain more than 75 pounds a year, which was our average last year. The kitchen supervisor also sets a good example, by gaining as much weight as possible. Last year Kimberly was our supervisor. When she started the year, she only weighed 250 pounds, and now I believe she's around 420. 170 pounds is our biggest annual weight gain ever, but I think you can beat that easily."

"I have no doubt that by the end of this year, you will be bigger than Kimberly. But just to make sure, I am assigning Kimberly as your roommate. Last year, Kimberly's roommate gained over 150 pounds."

Sarah could not believe what she was hearing. Jimbo was talking like he foresaw her weighing 500 or 600 pounds by the time she graduated. The idea was bizarre -- but at the same time somewhat attractive.

As she checked into her room and greeted Kimberly, she found herself sizing up Kimberly's massive girth, and considering how much she would have to eat to exceed it.

"Way to go!" Kimberly said, poking Sarah in the belly.

"What do you mean?" Sarah inquired.

"You put on over 140 pounds in the retreat, right?" Kimberly asked.

"Yes. I guess I really porked out” admitted Sarah.

"Well that's really incredible. I'm really looking forward to being your roommate this year, and REALLY putting some weight on you. I'll let Jimbo handle the main meals, and I'll handle the snacks. I'm a wicked pastry chef, as I'm sure you'll find out. I made a bet with Jimbo that together we would put 300 pounds on you this year. He said he thought we'd only do 250. We'll see who's right!"

Sarah's mind again boggled. 300 pounds -- that would bring her up to 620! How could she possibly eat so much food?

She soon found out. Almost the whole sorority cooperated in making sure that Sarah gained as much weight as possible that year.

Jimbo would awaken her in the morning. He would make her a huge breakfast of 10 pancakes with lots of real maple syrup, a tub of whipped cream, several slices of cheesecake, 2 bowls of ice cream, half a loaf of bread followed by lots of bacon. She used several glasses of orange juice to wash it all down.

Then she would take a nap. Then Kimberly would come in with her "between meal snack" of six danishes, half a gallon of milk, a heap of brie cheese, a bottle of wine, and a fruit platter. After another nap, it would be time for lunch. Sarah ate 9 full meals a day, almost never leaving her room.

All the other sorority girls would go to her classes and take notes, then tutor Sarah as she grew larger and larger. Sarah would show up for the final exam, take the test, and then go back to her room for another massive stuffing.

By January, Sarah had gotten so fat that she could no longer walk easily. Her weight had reached 485 pounds, and was rising at the rate of almost 75 pounds per month. By April, she weighed in at 580 pounds. Come June, she was so huge that the sorority girls had to make a special dress for her because nothing else would fit.

At her final weighing of the year, all the girls made bets on how much Sarah would tip the scales. The top estimate was 675 pounds -- but it was definitely an underestimate!

As Sarah got on the scale, the metal began to grown. With a massive crash, it bent hideously, caused to fail by Sarah's awesome bulk.

The girls had to go out and rent a scale from the slaughterhouse to be able to weight Sarah. By the time they got back, Sarah had undergone another massive stuffing. Her new hand-made dress showed signs of stress at the seams.

"Let's weigh her before that dress explodes!" Kimberly joked.

It took 4 girls just to help Sarah onto the scale. Her massive hips swayed from side to side, causing the scale to be somewhat unstable. The girls had to prop up her hips from both sides, just to make sure that the scale would not tip over!

The numbers came to rest at 723 pounds. Sarah could not believe her eyes…and neither could anyone else!

So far, in only two years at college, Sarah had gained almost 600 pounds. That was certainly a long way from the Freshman 15!

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