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Freshman 15+ (Pt. 1-2) - By Mindovermatter (~BHM, Eating., ~SWG )

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Dec 23, 2007
~BHM, Eating., ~SWG - a scrawny freshman gets unexpected help from a concerned dormmate

Freshman 15+
by Mindovermatter

Part I

“Goodbye, Brian! Have fun at school! And be nice to your roommate!”

“Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad”

Brain waved his parents off from the parking lot as they drove away in their red four-door. He then turned away and headed for the front door of the residence building.

Today was the first day of college for Brian. He was excited for this day ever since he had received his letter of acceptance from Northwest University. Brian was less excited about leaving high school, which he loathed, than he was at getting a little bit more freedom. His parents had never been really restricting, but he wanted to be on his own for once. And now he finally got that opportunity.

As Brian climbed the steps to his room, he wondered just what his roommate would be like. Some of his friends who had started college two weeks prior had complained to Brian of their roommates. One friend shared his room with a guy who liked playing loud death metal until the wee hours of the morning. Another friend said that is roommate played computer games all day long and never leaves the room.

These stories worried Brian. His stomach turned over the thought of having to share a room with somebody that he hated for an entire year.

“Here’s hoping for the best…” thought Brian. As he walked down the hallway, he noticed that the door to his room was left open ajar.

“Did I leave it open?” Brian thought to himself, but he quickly dismissed it. His roommate must be inside. Brian slowly walked up to the door and took a couple of deep breaths. He always gets a little never when meeting new people. “Don’t screw up…Don’t look like a freak….”

Brain opened the door casually and walked right in. There was evidence that someone had been in: there were half a dozen boxes and other items. But there was nobody inside. Brain stood there for a half minute wondering until a pair of hands grabbed him around his scrawny waist and someone shouted ‘AHHH!”

Brain screamed and turned around. Standing there was another boy, presumably his new roommate. “Hey! You must be Brian McCarthy. I’m Jesse!”

He extended his hand. Still shaking from the joke, Brian reached out his hand. As they shook, Brian observed his new roommate. Jesse was taller than Brain by about three inches. His skin was a somewhat dark tan and his dark brown hair was cut short. Jesse was fairly slim and had a little bit of muscle on him. His face was boyish and he had dark eyes.

While Brian was overlooking Jessie, he knew that he was doing the same thing to him. Brian stood at five feet six inches. He had shaggy brown hair that came down to his ears. Brian had a light tan from years of skateboarding, which he had given up a month ago because he no longer could afford a new board every other month. But skateboarding gave him a very thin and lean body. He had almost no visible muscles and he had very light set of six-pack abs.

As the two began to unpack their belongings, they started to get to know get other a little more. Brian found out that Jesse came from southern California. There he had gone to school and received high grades. Jesse had received a scholarship to Northwest that paid for most of it. Brian, on the other hand, had came from a town about twenty miles away and had his parents pay for his college.

“Hey, Brian,” said Jessie, after he got done making his bed, “Want something to eat?”

He held up a box of snack cakes.

“Sure!” said Brian. He took one out of the box and handed the rest back.

“No, you can have to whole box. My mom gave me tons of these things. But I don’t really like eating junk food like that; it’s too sweet and they don’t really taste very good.”

“Hey, I love stuff like this!” said Brian as he mowed down the second snack cake. “I never had these at my house since my parents were kinda like health freaks. At least here I‘m able to cut some slack a little bit.”

“You can help yourself to them,” replied Jessie while he gave a light tap to a large box filled with various other snack cakes. They continued to unpack. When Brian had finished with the box, he let out a burp and reached in for another box.

“Hey man!!” exclaimed Jesse, “Done with one box and you want another already ? You must be hungry!”

“Oh, just a little.” said Brian.

“Someone’s not afraid of the Freshman Fifteen!” said Jesse. He went over to Brian and lifted up his black shirt, showing off Brian’s light abs and slightly swollen belly. “Man, you really need it too! Did you your parents starve you?”

Laughing, Jesse than ran a hand across Brian’s non-existent belly.

Brian felt a tinge of pleasure as Jessie rubbed his midsection. After a second, Brian snapped out of it, pulling his shirt. Jesse’s face showed disappointment, but only for a second. “Speaking of starving, when’s dinner?”

“In ten minutes,” said Jesse, “Let’s head down to the cafeteria.”


When they got down to the cafeteria, they found out that it was set up buffet style. They offered several different kinds of food. There was pizza, burritos, hamburgers and an assortment of other foods. Jesse and Brian picked up plates and loaded them with food. After they got something to drink, they sat down.

“Man! Buffet-style! I’m going to eat until I pass out!” said Jesse as he picked up his fork.

“Go ahead,” replied Brian, “But I’m not carrying you back to the room!”

“You couldn’t anyway! You’re too scrawny!”

“No I’m not! I’m just slim…”

“Yeah right…” The two boys started to eat their dinner. Once Brian was done with is plate, he pushed back his chair and said “Well, I’m done.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You hardly ate anything!”

“Well, I did have that entire box of snack cakes…”

“You’re just afraid to push your limits!” said Jesse.

“No I’m not…and I’ll prove it!” And with that, Brian got up and filled his plate again…and when that was empty he went back after. Jesse sat there watching him as he ate more and more food. After some time, he wondered if Brian was ever going to be full. But soon later, Brian pushed himself back from the table for the second time. And now Jesse knew that he was full: his stuffed belly was pressing up against his shirt lightly.

“Brian! You really proved me wrong!” exclaimed Jesse.

“Yeah…I even impressed myself...” Brian’s hand wandered down to his full stomach and rubbed it. After letting his belly settle, the two went back to their room. Along the walk, Brian used Jesse as a crutch to prevent himself from falling over, since Brian was so full that he could barely move.

When they got to their door, Jesse unlocked it and lead Brian in. Brian, somewhat half-asleep, staggered over to his bed, kicked off his shoes, and started to doze off. Jessie sat on his bed opposite to Brian’s and watched him subconsciously rub his stuffed belly until Brian finally drifted off into sleep.


The next day, school kicked into full swing. And as the days went by, the two became better friends. Jesse and Brian found out that they had many of the same classes together. Because of this, the two boys spent much of their time together. They hung out, played video games, studied and did other things the usual college students do. Of course, Brian had made other friends, but he liked hanging out with Jessie the best. He was much like his best friend in high school, Cory. However, Cory was across the country on the east coast in school, but Jesse was here.

Aside from that, the duo also went to many of the meals held in the cafeteria with each other. And during each meal, much like on the first day that he got there, Jesse would urge his roommate to eat more and more. Most of the time Brian would refuse; he didn‘t want to look like a pig in front of his new friend. But in spite of Brian’s reluctance, Jessie would get him to eat more anyway by saying something to the effect of “You’ve got to get your money’s worth!” or “C’mon, they’re just going to throw it out anyway!”

No matter how many time he refused, Brian always seemed to find himself completely stuffed.

Although he had not noticed it, all of this food was having its effects on Brian. He finally notice when he got out of the shower one day. After he came back to his room, he looked around and found that Jessie wasn’t there. He let out a little sign of relief. Brian always felt nervous when he had to change and he roommate was around. He had to give him the silent “Can you please turn around so I can get some clothes on?”

“He must be out grocery shopping,” he thought. Last week, Brian’s parents had bought him a mini-fridge for their room. But for the past couple of days it was empty and Jesse had offered to fill it. With no roommate, Brian relaxed a little. He threw off his robe and pulled on a pair of white briefs which he got from his dresser. Typically Brian didn’t wear briefs, however many of his boxers were becoming uncomfortable. Most of them had become skin-tight, which gave him the feeling that his boxers were riding up on him.

Clad only in his brief, which were also starting to tighten up, he walked over to his closet to get a pair of pants. But as Brian reached the closet, he caught an glimpse of himself in his roommate’s full body mirror.

“Oh…man…” As he stood in front of it, he saw the damage that all of the food had caused.

Brian’s once-flat stomach was replaced by a small belly. It wasn’t very big, it stuck out an inch and a half in front of him and barely hung down past the waistband of his underwear. Brian’s hands reached out and grabbed it and shook it, making sure it was real. He pressed a finger into the soft flab until his muscles underneath stopped it. His belly reached slightly around where it formed a very small set of love-handles that peaked over the band of his undies.

Brain focused his attention upward. His pecs, that once were completely flat against his ribcage, now had a thin layer of adipose under them. Brain’s arms had also rounded out. This made him lose his muscle definition and gave them a smooth appearance. A small amount of fat had managed to reach his face and round out his cheeks a little bit. But a majority of his new weight had accumulated in his lower body. His thighs that were originally toned and well-defined from skateboarding had blown up. The definition was gone there as well. And Brian’s butt, once small and firm, had become two, small fat-filled balloons that stuck just as much as his belly did.

Although all of the new weight did not cause a massive change in his physical appearance, Brian was still surprised. The main reason for this is because most of his life was spent as a thin twig. Many of his friend had made fun of him for his weight, or the lack there of. One of the funniest things that he friends would do in his presence was that someone would take a stick and say “Guess who I am? I’m Brian!”

But now, for the first time ever, some fat was on his frame. He took a few minutes too mess around with his new “padding” by watching it shake and jiggling it.

Brian was uncertain about how he felt about his weight. On one hand he had some “dimensions” to him. On the other hand he had let his appetite get the best of him. He stepped away from the mirror and pulled out a scale that he stashed under his bed.

“I thought that I would never use this…” he thought. As he stood on the cold, metal scale, the dial sailed past his old weight of 120 pounds and settled on his new weight: 139 pounds.

“19 pounds in only three weeks?” Brain though, “But that’s…almost a pound a day! How could that happen?”

Whilst he pondered, Brian remembered that he was stuffing his face on multiple occasions each day in the cafeteria. And when his roommate wasn’t there, he would munch on the sugary snacks that Jesse had offered him.

Jesse? He had forgotten all about his! What would his roommate say? Had he noticed his new weight? Would he make fun of him? Surely Jesse must realize that all of the provoking he did at dinner would add a few pounds onto his roommate.

And as if on cue, Jessie entered the room, both hands carrying shopping bags full of various food. Stunned, Brian swiftly turned around right as Jessie saw him, giving him a full view of his fattened body.

“Jessie!…Uh….I didn’t hear you come in…” stuttered Brian. He could feel his face turning red, but it was nowhere near as bright as Jessie’s face, even with that tan.

“Uh…Hey, Brian….Having a “No-Pants” party? How come I wasn‘t invited?” said Jessie setting down the grocery bags onto the floor.

“Ha…Uh…No…” started Brain while he crossed his arms over his chest. “I was just checking my weight…”

“Oh, okay.” said Jessie. He turned around and shut the door. “I see you finally got some meat on your bones!”

Brian looked down, as if he didn’t realize it. “Ah…yeah…I guess I did.”

He felt awkward standing there clad only in his tighty-whities. He just wanted to end this conversation so that he could grab some pants.

“Let’s how much you packed on…” Jessie walked over to the scale. Brain wanted to both jump off and push him away at the same time, but Jessie was already over before he could act. Jessie bent over the scale, not only letting him see his roommate’s weight, but also it allowed him to get a close up of his roommates ballooned out belly.

“139 pounds. What did you weigh before you came here?”

“Umm…120...” Brian had thought about lying to Jessie, but that wouldn’t help.

“19 pounds…Awesome!”

“Awesome? Why awesome?”

“Because you actually weigh something!” said Jessie. “When I first saw your stomach, I though that you have been starved! But now you have some mass to you!”

“Yeah…I do.”

“We’ve got to celebrate!” Jessie walked over to one of the grocery bags and pulled out a 2-liter bottle of root beer. He twisted off the cap and handed it to Brian.

“Uh, thanks. But what about cups?” asked Brian.

“It’s for you, all of it!”

“Oh, okay…” said Brian, and he lifted the bottle up to his lips and started to sip it.

“Just chug it, big guy!” And with that, Jessie grabbed the bottom of the bottle with one hand and the back of Brian head with the other. He then quickly lifted the bottle and the soda poured into the back of his throat. Brian’s hands waved around, trying to stop Jessie. But he gave up, figuring that it would just cause root beer to pour out onto him. Brian then closed his eyes and concentrated on downing the root beer. Once the bottle was empty, Jessie removed it from his lips.

“Atta boy!” Jessie then gave Brian’s inflated gut a sharp nudge, causing shockwaves to go through his flab. “How do you feel?”

Brian waited a second, and then let out a loud burp. “Full…”

He then fell backwards onto his bed, rubbing his bloated stomach and groaning, half in pleasure and half in fullness. Jesse then jumped onto Brian’s bed. “Jesse, tell me: What’s so great about gaining 19 pounds?”

“You have some curves now!”

Brain lifted up his head a little. “Curves? What curves? Don’t women only like curves?’

“Most of the time. But some people like a guy with a gut…or a butt. Who knows? Maybe now you may pick yourself up a nice girl…or guy.”

Guy? Why did he say that? Did Jessie think that he was gay? Sure, Brian wasn’t the straightest person around. In high school, Brian had a couple of guy-crushes. He did try and make a move several time, but ended up fruitless. There was one guy that he got so close to getting. He was as tall as Brian and had long, blonde hair. He had a lot of muscles and was very cute. But Brian never made it. Even now, when thinking about him…

Brian felt that he was getting a little “hot”…down there. He suddenly realized that he was only wearing his underwear. “I got to get some pants…”

Jesse noticed too. “Sure…go ahead…”

And as he get up, Jessie watched as both of Brian cheeks jiggled and wobbled with every step. Jessie himself starting to get “hot” while Brian struggled to button a pair of pants he had found on the floor.

“I’m gonna have fun with you…”

(continued in post 7 of this thread)

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