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Freshman - by Ellis Monroe (~BBW (multiple), Eating, ~MWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Britt Reid

Library Editor
Oct 28, 2009
~BBW (multiple), Eating, ~MWG --- Three coeds are given access to unlimited and irresistible food, with predictable results

by EllisMonroe
(Reposted from Deviant Arts with author’s permission)​

[Author’s Introduction: Freshman is a story about a college student named Cortney Brookmayer who, upon going to college in South Carolina, quite simply, gains weight.

Cortney is a girl of age eighteen with blonde hair, dark eyebrows and brown eyes. Her face is considerably slim with a defined jaw line. Her body is skinny, but not enough to consider her anorexic. Her breasts are something that many onlookers do notice. Cortney stands at five feet and five inches and prior to leaving high school, she was once a dancer and a cheerleader, though she quit being the latter her junior year after getting somewhat chubby.

After slimming down for prom, Cortney gave up on dieting and just went on a 'Whatever Happens Happens' kind of lifestyle. She ate whatever she wanted, drank whatever she wanted and lived life to the fullest extent.

During her time in high school, Cortney had several boyfriends but most of them happened to end in complete disasters. Because of this, Cortney decided that the only way to escape that past was to start over as she went on to college. What better place to do that than to go to a state where nobody knows who you are and none of your friends are going?

And so, when September came, Cortney was off. At this point, she had gained five pounds from her post-Prom weight of about one-hundred and fifteen pounds. She drove so as to arrive about three days ahead of her college's expected start time to familiarize herself with the area's local haunts.

We start our story, my dear reader, in White Beach, South Carolina, on September 1st. Our scene is this: Cortney had finished unpacking her stuff and was walking around the aforementioned city. She was wearing a black top with a pair of short shorts. Here, is where the story of Cortney Eliza Brookmayer begins…]

Chapter One: The First Taste of Southern Comfort

Cortney stood in White's Beach Town Square. This seaside town suburb of Charleston was literally on the beach and, well, Cortney was going to take in all of this. She knew nobody down here and nobody knew her. It was, to her, the perfect opportunity.

She could've stayed home in New Jersey, gone with her friends to Rhode Island, or simply not gone at all! But Cortney decided that her life was extremely complicated and she just needed to get away from everyone.

She turned to a beach and there she sat, alone. It would be three days until her roommate arrived and at least five until school started.

"Ah…the sea air is so intoxicating," Cortney said. Then, her nose caught another scent. It was, to her, mouthwatering and succulent.

Cortney hadn't had a good meal in days, as she was mostly living on pretzels, goldfish (the cracker - not the actual fish), and similar snack foods. Prior to coming down Cortney had saved up four-thousand dollars for college use, plus another thousand from her birthday and had only used said money for gas. She followed the smell and came across Mama's Kitchen, one of White Beach's famous eateries.

Mama's Kitchen, which was run by an elderly African-American, was established during the 1960s by the lady's husband and the woman who still runs the place. "Mama" Tyree was always in the kitchen, and most people never got to see her. Those who did, describe her as a rather frail-looking old lady with snow white hair, a wrinkled face and a body that was slim.

Cortney stepped into the restaurant and immediately caught the eye of Mama, who stepped outside. Mama came over to Cortney and said, "Whatchu doin' here white girl?"

"I was looking for a place to eat?" Cortney replied.

"Well you came to the right place!" Mama exclaimed. "My name is Mamie Tyree, or Mama as most people calls me. Been here fifty years…mhmm…fifty years."

As she looked at Cortney, she said, "Girl, you gotta get some meat on those bones. Mama gonna get you some food for you. Go take a seat and Mama will serve ya soon."

As Cortney made her way to a single table, she said, "I guess this is southern hospitality. I hope she doesn't give me that much food."

Cortney sat down on the wood chair. Then, a thought popped into her head. "Maybe I can get a job here…if I can, that'll be awesome!"

Mama looked around for Cortney and, upon seeing her, scuttled toward her with a plate that was probably bigger than her.

"Here's ya food little miss," Mama said.

Before she opened the top, Cortney asked, "Ms. Tyree–"

"Call me Mama," she said.

"Okay…Mama. I was wondering if you needed anybody to be a waitress. I mean, if you don't need any I understand…but–"

"Of course I'll let you have a job here at my restaurant…though on one condition," Mama informed her.

"What is it?"

With a smile, she said, "You have to clean this plate. I don't care if ya throw it all back up later. You gotta eat it all."


Mama retrieved the cover to unveil a palate of fried chicken, apple pie, corn, and two Fried Twinkies. Cortney looked at the food in front of her, and then at her body.

"So much for that dancer body," Cortney mumbled.

"What was that?" Mama asked.

"Nothing…" she said with a smile, "thanks for the food!"

"Mama will be back to make sure that you've had your fill Missy."

As Mama left, Cortney picked up a piece of chicken and said, "Here it goes."

She bit into it and almost instantly, she fell in love with it. That piece of chicken was unlike anything she had ever tasted and Cortney simply wanted more of it. Fortunately, there were six pieces of chicken. Cortney bit and tore off the spiced skin in order to get to the meat within. When she did, she furiously bit into it. If any one of the patrons didn't know any better, they would think that Cortney starved herself before coming down here.

The shirt Cortney was wearing?Well, it was beginning to feel something pushing against its soft cotton skin. It, for the first time, was Cortney's slowly bloating stomach. Cortney was definitely not the girl who would stuff her face silly. But now that was she was free to do whatever she wanted, Cortney probably didn't give a fricken lick.

After that long narration above, Cortney had demolished the chicken completely, with only the bones left. Now, she was working on the corn that was in front of it. The corn was sweet like candy and had just the right amount of salt to balance the sweet. Every kernel of all that corn eventually found its way in Cortney's stomach.

Next was the apple pie. It was a small slice, but it was well worth it. The crust; flaky. The apples; sweet. the filling within so tasty that it almost knocked her back. The fried twinkies, were something that Cortney swallowed whole.

Mama came to Cortney's table and said, "Didja enjoy all dat food missy?"

"Yes I did," Cortney said as she rubbed her stomach. "So, do I get the job?"

"Oh yes Miss. You get da job alright."

Mama sat down and lowered her glasses, revealing her chocolate-brown eyes. "Miss…"

"Cortney, Cortney Brookmayer," Cortney said.

"Miss Brookmayer, working at Mama's Kitchen is somethin' that all dem college kids want. Mhmmm…it's a privilege workin' at my kitchen and I don't let just anybody in. Ya see, my husband built this place with heart, and I expect each and every one of my employees to carry on Papa's tradition. You must have heart in everything ya do, otherwise it'll be for nothin'!

"Miss Brookmayer, you will work during the time you have no classes at college and work until I release yous from ya post as waitress. Your pay is a generous nine dollas and fifty cents per hour plus tips. You also can get food from the kitchen whenever yous see fit."

"Okay," Cortney said.

"And, you can get your first free item from my restaurant right now," Mama told her. "Anything you want Miss Cortney."

"Can I have the rest of that Apple Pie please?"

"Sure ya can sweetie. I'll get it for ya," Mama told her new employee smiling.

Mama came back with an almost complete apple pie, save for an area whose piece was now in Cortney's stomach. She handed the pie to her and said, "Well Missy, I expect to see ya back here tomorrow at eleven m'kay?"

"Yes Mama," Cortney said, "and thank you for the pie."

Cortney left the restaurant with pie in hand and headed back to her dorm room. She couldn't believe it. First day in White Beach and what happens? She gets a job, a free meal with a full stomach, and a free pie.

Cortney entered her empty dorm room and sat on her bed. The pie was still steaming hot and…and…she just wanted to eat that pie so badly. She was terribly full from that meal and yet that pie…that pie…that frickin pie was still waiting for Cortney's porcelain white teeth to sink into its cinnamon apple filling and its crunchy crust. Her mouth watered like a running faucet.

With hesitation she took off a chunk of the pie and put it toward her mouth. Suddenly, her fullness was no more and Cortney felt compelled to eat the pie. Handful after handful of America's pie went into her mouth and subsequently into her stomach. Back home, Cortney would have never seen herself eat like this. Nowadays, she couldn't really care what she ate. If she got fat, she got fat.

Twenty minutes later, Cortney fell back onto her pillow. Her mouth was littered with crumbs from the pie and she had rolled her shirt up to her breasts and was now rubbing her belly. With a belch, she said, "Man…I've never felt so full in my life. *urp*. Wow…Mama certainly knows her food. And I certainly know how to eat it."

She grasped her stomach and said, "I just hope I don't get fat because of it."

Cortney sat up and looked at the empty pie dish and then looked at herself. A bloated abdomen was sitting on her thighs and the only way to soothe its pain was to rub it, and that's exactly what she did. For at least a half-hour, she did this until the pain and the swelling started to go down.

It was four o'clock and Cortney didn't really have any other plans. She sat in her room, went on her laptop and chatted away with friends and put up a Facebook status saying how lucky a girl she was to have a job even before college started. Then, something popped into her head. Would Mama allow Cortney to come back for dinner?

"Ugh…I can't even think about dinner…" Cortney said. "But I will make it a priority of mine to try everything on Mama's Kitchen's menu so that if someone asks me what something tastes like, I'll know."

Cortney decided to take a look at the small menu that Mama had given her and looked for the most expensive thing on there. What she found was called Papa's Luther Deluxe.

"Three Luther Burgers, fries deep fired in lard, and twenty chicken wings smothered in Papa's Famous BBQ Sauce," she said. The very thought of eating that was scary, delicious, and a little mouthwatering.

Cortney typed in the words and did a little search on it. On Mama's Kitchen's official site, she found a forum solely dedicated to the item.
She read a post that said, "I know man. Nobody has ever tried to do that. The last person who tried to was rushed to the hospital and had to have a bypass done! Even one of those burgers made me not eat for the rest of the fucking day!"

Another post read, "Rumor has it that when Papa fed it to a customer, the customer sued the restaurant. Nearly closed up for good until the lawsuit was settled out of court. Nowadays, only the brave and the boldest try and eat that. I'd be damned if someone actually finished it and kept it down."

She kept looking through the forum for several hours until she realized that it was seven. At that point, Cortney's stomach was rumbling, but she decided to go get something to eat anyway. She made her way to her employer and waited for someone to wait on her.

"Oh Miss Cortney," the voice of Mama said from the kitchen. "I be right witcha!"

Mama scuttled out toward her and said, "Miss Cortney. What can I getcha?"

"Uh…I can get one of those Luther Burgers?" Cortney asked.

"Miss Cortney, are you tellin' me that you, a skinny little white girl, could down a whole Luther Burger?" Mama asked her.

"I can try," Cortney told her. "I mean, after what I ate today…I'm pretty sure I'm not so skinny anymore."

"Well little missy, if you d manage to eat my husband's Luther Burger, well, I'll make ya pay ten dollars an hour," Mama said. "Do we have a deal little lady?"

"We do," Cortney replied.

"Very good. Now, come to that table where ya sat earlier and I'll give you my husband's Luther."

Cortney walked over and sat down at the table. She had read about just a single Luther being nearly a thousand calories and one called it "The Body Killer".

It took ten minutes before Mama came out with the burger. There it was, the Luther; a hamburger with bacon, cheese sandwiched between two deep-fried doughnuts. In other words, a cardiologist's worse dream and for the girl who is about to be eating it, an FA's wet dream.

"Here ya go Missy," Mama told her. "If you eat all that, remember, ten an hour."

Cortney looked down at what she was expected to eat. "What the world did I just get?"

She picked it up and said, "Well, I do get paid fifty cents more. That'll end up bein some bucks in the long run. I just hope I don't die…"

She took a bite out of it and, like the fried chicken and everything else she had previously, the taste was overwhelming. Every bite was successively bigger than the rest. The bacon, the Prime Angus Beef, and the doughnuts swirled together to create a taste that defied anything that Cortney had ever tasted beforehand and would be something to beat whenever she tired something new.

From the sanctity of her kitchen, Mama watched as some skinny white girl, who would soon become her waitress, down a whole Luther burger at once.

"My word," one of her employees said, "that white girl got a hell of a stomach!"

"What you all starin' at? Get back to work!" Mama yelled.

Cortney was now done. She sat back in her chair and was licking off grease from her fingers and massaging her stomach.

"How did I *urp* eat that?" Cortney asked.

Mama scuttled over and said, "Mhmm…girl, you gettin' paid ten bucks an hour startin' tomorrow ya hear?"

"Yes…Mama," Cortney said. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yes you will Miss Cortney, yes you will."

Cortney walked across town back to her dorm at Fleetwood Hall. It was there that something called "The Itis" took effect. To those who do not know this…temporary ailment, it is when your body has ingested a bit too much serotonin (due to a large intake of food, like Cortney has been doing all day). Serotonin, in turn, makes you feel sleepy and eventually, you pass out altogether.

The moment Cortney saw her full-sized bed, she fell face first onto her pillow and then drifted off into a sleep.

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