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GC: Afternoon at the Mall 3 - by Matt L. (~BBW (Mult.), Magic, Transformation, ~SWG))

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (Multiple), Magic, Transformation, ~SWG - a series based on the need of some people to have a few changes in their lives

An Alternate Reality Story

Goth Chick's Afternoon at the Mall 3
by Matt L. and the Observer
(based on the CWWF original)

(Click here for prior two chapters)

The first two transforming events of Libby’s visit to the mall had been a good warm-up, but she knew a true challenge lay ahead – the need to end a chain of great wrongs that were destroying a young soul while hurting innocents. On this task she would be having to guide, work with and rely on another.


Ms. Warner tapped her chin, keenly scrutinizing her daughter’s unblemished shape in a skin tight black gown. Rotating her finger, she demanded Paige to spin around so to observe her backside. Paige complied with her mother’s wishes and whirled her splendorous body so that her mother could critique the back of the pricey garment.

Paige Warner was an alluring siren whose wavy coal black hair flaunted her magnificently enthralling facial features while her curvaceous form was unambiguously voluptuous. At just 23-years of age, Paige had made a modest dent in the world of fashion and due to her mom’s role as feature editor for a prestigious fashion magazine, was about to embark on supermodel status.

Claire Warner looked a decade younger than her 45 years. Her short black hair was set in a trendy style that amplified the charm of her pretty face while her trim figure looked distinctively sharp in a purple blouse and gray slacks.

Had it not been for her mother, there was little doubt, Paige wouldn’t have gone so far so quick. Claire Warner was the reason for Paige’s success. Through bribes, lies and slander, Claire would always make sure, Paige would have one up on the competition.

This afternoon Claire was assisting Paige in purchasing clothes for a fashion shoot and interview with Mr. Washington, a major player in the fashion industry. Claire had gone a long way since beginning her career at Feminine Best magazine as a humble receptionist. Now with her lofty position, she would do whatever it took to secure her daughter’s celebrity status.

“I’m not sure I’m pleased with how the fabric embraces your rear?”, Claire announced in a pompous tone.

Paige faced her mother as Claire elucidated, “A lady is meant to have a heart shaped ass but this gown renders your butt into a sloppy sphere.”

Paige’s lustrous mane bounced over her shoulders as she nodded, “Yes mother, perhaps it’s the material?”

“Or perhaps you’ve been cheating on your diet?”, Claire derogatorily buzzed.

Paige was prompt to contradict her mother, “No disrespect mother, but I’ve no intention of cheating on my diet.”

Noticing a pair of chubby maidens treading through an aisle, Paige characteristically commented, “The requirement of our class is pride and beauty, I’ll never end up like them.”

Claire swayed her head into the direction of the overfed females, “Yes dear, fat and frumpy leaves much to be desired. You’d never be on the cover of Vogue or entertain noble men if you get fat. I’d even disown you myself.”

Accurate in their materialistic standards, mother like daughter, typically vain and ardently shallow. Paige held her hands to her hips, favoring her mother with a sugary chuckle, “I wouldn’t blame you if you disowned me, but I assure you, I’ll never get fat!”

Claire tilted her head, “Take off that gown and we’ll see if we can find another item that will boast your assets.”

While Paige disrobed in the changing booth, Claire dictated the magnitude of finding the appropriate attire for her interview with Mr. Washington. “I really needed to call in a bunch of favors for this appointment with Mr. Washington. This will probably be the only shot you’ll get, so we need to make sure your appearance is perfect. Mr. Washington only handles first rate material, so it’s a good thing your have a decent enough portfolio.”

Paige chimed from inside the room, “Good thing you got me that gig with Vanity Fair, that was a sweet job!”

Claire smiled with triumph, “Yes dear, I know. I had to pull a few strings with that one. The model that was originally offered the assignment, I had a photographer airbrush her photo’s to make her look chunky, then I had her file erased.”

“Good one Mother!”, Paige laughed, “What model was that?”

Claire responded with a cheerful, “Heather Barton!”

Paige meowed with perseverance, “Ah yes, last I heard, she modeling for Sears.”

Paige finished her comment as she left the changing booth, “I’m so much better looking than she is anyway.”

Paige set the gown back on the rack, pausing a brief second to laud upon her stellar appearance in the mirror. Her black hair caressing her shoulders, her ample cleavage deliciously filling out her cherry red colored blouse while her snug Gap dark blue jeans favored her petite round bottom and trim thighs. Paige planted her hands over her dainty posterior and gyrated her hips, “Hard to believe I was runner up to Gretchen Cornell for that swimsuit calendar? Were they crazy or what?”

Claire joined her daughter over at the looking glass, a smug smile swelling upon her gorgeous face, “The people at Valentine publishing are complete fools, Gretchen‘s body is utterly inferior compared to yours.”

“I owe you for that one too, mother”, Paige acknowledged.

Claire haughtily boasted, “The staff saw it my way when I threaten to withhold publishing rights for a series of fiction that was featured in my magazine. Naturally they chose you over Gretchen for the calendar.”

Claire had no remorse for her actions, doing what ever it took to improve her daughter’s odds for a successful career. The plentiful list of rivals included one model she purposely had dismissed from a top shelf agency and another she had black mailed into quitting the business altogether.

Paige whirled a strand of hair around her finger while looking over the available apparel, “There’s not much to choose from here, perhaps we’d do better elsewhere?”

Claire was at a rack, fumbling through the garments, “Just a peach of a minute, I think this dress might work?”

Paige obliged with her mother’s wishes, though like the previous gown, it met much scrutiny and was dismissed.

“ You’re right Paige, the garments in this store are inadequate. Hurry out of that dress and we’ll shop elsewhere, “Claire impatiently snapped with a typically imperious air.

Following her mother’s command, Paige slipped into the changing both. Paige was undressed and into her trendy attire in a matter of minutes. Paige and Claire strolled toward their next destination, chatting away like best friends.

“My schedule is a tad full, but perhaps if time allows, I could pick up a new a new bikini as well?”, Paige enthusiastically asked.

Claire hesitated before nodding, “Hmmm, you have an appointment to get your nails done, than a work out session at the spa, but I suppose it’ll be okay.”

Paige happily divulged the rest of her schedule, “Plus I’m having a late dinner tonight with that guy who wants to use my photo’s for his health club, around nine tonight, we’ll be through with everything by then.”

Claire warily informed her daughter, “That’s fine, but don’t sign a thing without my consent.”

Paige shook her head, “Of course, mother.”

Claire then added, “I expect you’ll complete an extra half hour on the treadmill tonight and tomorrow. Hmm, a whole extra hour at the spa tomorrow, eating so late won’t do your figure any favors. Trust me, late dinners will fatten you up faster than you realize.”

“Mother”, Paige whined, “Not again about my weight, I’m not going to let myself get fat.”

Claire unassumingly responded, “Trust me, Paige, I know from experience. Back when I was a receptionist, sometimes I wouldn’t have dinner until seven at night. I put on 15-pounds in almost a year.”

Claire lightly chuckled, “Glad I made the effort for advancement, had I stayed a receptionist, I’d probably look like her.”

Paige looked beyond a couple of stores, focusing on a thirty-something, plus sized lady.

Paige emitted a nervous giggle, “Wow mother, you’d have been a big ol Bertha!”

“Laugh if you want precious”, Claire humorously smirked, “But the leaf doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Slithering nonchalantly pass the heavyset female, Claire noticed something familiar about her. “Monique? Monique Ramshackle, is that you?”

Monique Ramshackle was a former actress and model, though due to her negligence in counting calories and an undisciplined lifestyle , now labored as an office assistant at a rival fashion magazine. Still uniquely attractive, Monique’s short golden blond hair was arranged in a preppy fashion, producing an enchanting flavor to her cute, oval shaped face.

Monique’s 195-pound figure was genuinely pear shaped, though meticulously attired in a yellow dress with brown polka dots. Moderately plump until her waist, Monique had a modest potbelly but was extremely wide at the hips while her swollen derriere thrust outward and her thighs were abnormally thick. Monique warmly smiled upon recognition of Claire, “Hey, it’s been a while, how have you been?”

Claire paused before answering, scrupulously taking in the changes that had occurred to Monique since seeing her last. Her chiseled features had softened, rendering her puffy cheeks and double chin, her svelte body had mushroomed. Her fat prejudice resurfaced, considering Monique inferior, she thought to herself, “She’s become a typical office lackey.”

In truth, Monique was as ever attractive but Claire’s narrow mindedness was of

“I’m fabulous!”, Claire chimed between air kisses, “Absolutely fabulous!”

Monique serenely beamed, “Nice to hear.”

Claire caught a glimpse of her flabby upper arms and larger bust before enquiring, ‘How about you?”

Monique looked over Claire’s shoulder, replying as she noticed Paige, “I’m peachy. Whose this young lady? Not Paige?”

Claire waved her daughter over, “Yes, you remember her, outstanding.”

Monique cordially shook Paige’s hand, “I’m sure you don’t remember me?”

“No, not really”, her eyebrows crinkled.

Monique vigorously chuckled, “I’m not at all surprised! You were very young and I was quite slimmer.”

Monique shifted her hands to her hips, profusely ripping through the details, “Your mom used to bring you down to the office on Saturdays when she was just a receptionist. Believe it or not, I was a model back then and between photo sessions your mom used to let me play with you. You were so cute and I‘d read to you while your mom was brewing coffee or busy with her various tasks.”

Monique turned to Claire, “Remember?”

Claire acknowledged Monique in a stale timbre, “Vaguely.”

Returning her attention back to Paige, Monique rambled on, “You have no idea how vital a role your mother played for us. She didn’t just answer the phone, she ran errands, helped us in and out of our wardrobe and even did our nails.”

Paige spoke up for her mom, “You’re aware that position is long gone, she’s the feature editor for Feminine Best magazine now.”

Monique chirped, “Why of course, I’m aware of that.”

Claire merged with the conversation, “Paige is a model herself and quite successful.”

Monique gripped Paige’s upper arms, “Good for you! You are a dish, simply dazzling.”

Paige monotonously replied, “Thanks.”

Monique exchanged glances between mother and daughter, “I don’t mean to interrupt your shopping, I’m only here to buy underwear myself, but Paige, would you mind if I burrowed your mom for a while? Just so we can catch up on current events.”

Claire butted in before her daughter could answer, “Of course, I would love to breeze through current events with you.”

Paige had a whole different answer in mind, as a result she protested, “Mom, what about my gown? I have a hectic schedule this afternoon.”

“Hush”, Claire silenced her daughter, “We have plenty of time. How often do I see Monique?”

Actually Claire enjoyed boasting upon her laurels, crowing about Paige as well. This moment especially, the temptation was much to appetizing to resist, particularly since she was the one who held the superior status now.

Paige whined, “But mother, what will I do while you’re socializing?”

Monique happily invited Paige, “Why not join us? We could talk shop, after all I used to model and even acted in a few films.”

Claire countered the suggestion, “It’s crucial that you find a dress, why not look around and we’ll meet at that Italian restaurant over by the Gap.”

“What time do you want to meet?” Paige grumbled. Claire remarked in an hour, to which

Paige blurted, “ I’m a little hungry, mind if I grab a snack before lunch?”

Monique giggled, “You sound just like me! At your age I was always hungry and became cranky if I didn’t snack.”

Paige sarcastically smiled, “Isn’t that sweet, we’re like sisters.”

“No, you may not have a snack”, Claire commanded, “We’re going to dine for lunch at the Italian restaurant. In the meantime, you may have a diet cola, but don’t lounge too long at that food court.”

Paige squinted with anger at her mother, biting down on her lip, “Fantastic mother, just peachy. I’m so thankful you’re here to keep me from becoming a blimp.”

‘We’ll talk about this later, young lady”, Claire strictly replied.

Paige spun around, her silky black hair almost airborne and marched away, “No kidding!”

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