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girlfriends weight gain story and recent issues

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New Member
Feb 24, 2008
I posted the below post on curvage and have not gotten much feed back. So I have decided to bring it here. Everything I need to say is in the post so I just paste it below. If this is not the right place for this type of post please move it to where it belongs. I apologize for the lengh.

I have been dating my girlfriend for almost 4 years now. Over this time she has been gaining weight, partly for me and partly it just happens. We met freshman year in college, and what caught my attention about her, other then she was pretty, and fun to be around was the affect of the freshmn 15 on her. At this time she was very open about "how fat she got and needs to lose weight" to quote her. This was a little different then she was at the begining of the year always talking about going to the gym and having people poke her stomachs hard abs. She was always a big eater and would brag about being able to eat what she wants and never gain weight.

We started to date at the end of freshman year. Sophmore year after gaining a little over the summer she was a little depressed and self conscious about her weight. This is when I first kind of came out about my feelings towards weight gain and larger women, telling her I thought she was pretty and liked a girl with little meat on their bones. She stopped obsessing about the gym, and her gym visits slowing decreased to 0 to 1 time a week by the end of sophmore year. Her appatite did not decrease and she gaining another 15 pounds by the end of sophmore year. This is where she might have had a little help with the weight gain, from me and her roomates. I always made sure she had a full meal when we went out and frequent trips to get icecream at night. Her roomates were obsessed that she was gaining weight, no longer thin and perfect acording to one that I later talked to about her weight later. They knew she was a big eater and snacker so the kept food around and on her desk. Also when she gets drunk she can eat nonstops it seems( I have been amazed by this a couple of time). So when she went out with ther roomates they would order pizza in afterwards, and it was not uncommon for my gf to eat half a pizza herself.

Now at the end of sophmore year weighing aound 150 lbs(She started college around 115 and is 5ft 3 inches tall to give u a visual), she started to complain and get depressed about her weight again. I was and still am totally in love with her, and the weight gain was an added bonus in my mind, however I didn't want her to be unhappy or unhealhty. I discovered this forum freshman year and have been a lurker since offering the rare ocassional post. I knew I liked larger women then she was and weight gain, but decided to talk to one of her roomates about her weight gain, and how I can help her maybe lose some weight. This is when I learned about the roomates doings. Instead I decided to totally come out with my gf about liking larger women and showed her this forum.

This was a huge gamble that worked out. She kinda could tell I liked her added weight which was partially why she didn't try hard to lose it. Since then she has continued to gain weight. I never force her to eat, I just make sure there is plenty of food available, and she has let me stuff her on the fair ocassion. I have helped her lose weight from time to time when she is unhappy with how she looks. This usually occurs right before the summer for swim suit season. Like I said i am lucky to be in this relationship, love her more then for her weight and altimatly want her to be happy. I guess you can say lucky for me she has always gained back the weight she lost and then some.

I was going to write this in response to michellebabes post "questions on friends". because recenlty comments from friends and family have gotten her to be more self conscious about her weight then usuall. Alot of her friends are starting to get married and she is getting fitted for bridal party dresses. In Oct she had to lose weight fast to fit back into a dress that was already fitted for her. This was after already losing weight so she didn't feel so "fat" around her friends. She weighed around 165 for the wedding at the begining of Oct, to fit in the dress. Her friends kind of nagged her about watching what she ate and losing some of the weight she has gained in and after college. We moved in with each other in Sept. and other then having to re-lose weight for the dress has been gaining weight quickly. In resoponse to weighing herself last weekend at 188 she said since moving in with me she does not feel she has to be self conscious about eating alot like she started to feel at college or when she lived with her parents after gaining weight.

So currently my girlfriend is at her heaviest weighing somewhere in the mid to upper 180's. Most of the clothes she wore before losing weight for the Oct wedding, do not or barely fit her. She did not say anything about losing weight after weighing herself last weekend like I thought she would so I figured everthing was ok. However I was wrong. Today she went to get fitted for a bridal party dress for one of her friends wedding comming up this summer. Most of the bridal party is the same as the one from the Oct wedding. Her additional weight did not go unnoticed by her friends or the friends mothers that were there. She came home very upset, crying about how "fat" she has gotten, that its my fault, and se will never be able to lose the weight because she is out of shape and has gotten used to eating alot.

She left to go out to dinner with her friends from the bridal party and that is when I started typing. I felt i needed to give the whole story as a means of trying to make me feel it is not totally my fault she is not the weight she was at the start of college even though I feel I am to blame. And is respoce to michellebabe's post about friends, I have a feeling if her friends were a little nicer, or there was no wedding to dress for she would not have a care about her weight. Asso this about got me thinking about her health and I am feeling increasing guilty about her weigh gain.

Sorry for the long post, I needed to get if off my chest and hear some advice from you guys.

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