Mrs. Gnoom
I'm not usually one of those "go out and be an activist" type of person, but if a situation presents itself, I can promise to do what I can. In that vein, pun completely intended, I give blood.
I know people give blood every day, not enough, but they do, and it's usually not a big deal. If you are a "normal size person", it generally IS not a big deal because you fit on the tables or the chairs. If you are larger or, like myself, supersize, it can be a challenge.
I usually try to give blood at my job, I get an hour off the phones and get to wear jeans on the day I donate. I have been able to give twice since I've been at my current job. They usually have a drive every 3-4 months and I've been there almost 3 years. Why have I only given twice? I hate the tables that they use. They are high off the ground, and have "give" in the middle where the fold is. I don't trust MY fat ass to not collapse those suckers in a heap. Sometimes(the two times I've given) they have this lower recovery table, which is PERFECT and I can donate without issue. Since then, they don't have the table, and I've not been able to tap a vein.
So, the notice is up last week to sign up to give. I finally decide to try to do something about this since they say that O Negative is in DIRE need. Guess what type I have? You got it, O Neg, so now I feel compelled to give. I emailed the coordinator and asked her to see if they can bring along a donation chair for the "larger or possible physically challenged people that would love to give, but the tables make them uncomfortable". I didn't know wh at I expected, but I gave it a shot.
Well, guess what? They forwarded my request to the Red Cross and they are gonna bring a reclining donation chair! I don't know why I'm so pleased, but I am. I feel like I did something good, even if Im the only one that uses it.
I guess what I want to tell you all, is that if you ever feel like you need something special to accommodate you, you should ask for it. The worst that they can do is say they can't/won't. As I get older and wider(yes, I meant WIDER not WISER , I feel the need to be open about what I need in order to make my life easier. And, if my needs can make it easier for OTHERS, then it's a win/win situation!
I know people give blood every day, not enough, but they do, and it's usually not a big deal. If you are a "normal size person", it generally IS not a big deal because you fit on the tables or the chairs. If you are larger or, like myself, supersize, it can be a challenge.
I usually try to give blood at my job, I get an hour off the phones and get to wear jeans on the day I donate. I have been able to give twice since I've been at my current job. They usually have a drive every 3-4 months and I've been there almost 3 years. Why have I only given twice? I hate the tables that they use. They are high off the ground, and have "give" in the middle where the fold is. I don't trust MY fat ass to not collapse those suckers in a heap. Sometimes(the two times I've given) they have this lower recovery table, which is PERFECT and I can donate without issue. Since then, they don't have the table, and I've not been able to tap a vein.
So, the notice is up last week to sign up to give. I finally decide to try to do something about this since they say that O Negative is in DIRE need. Guess what type I have? You got it, O Neg, so now I feel compelled to give. I emailed the coordinator and asked her to see if they can bring along a donation chair for the "larger or possible physically challenged people that would love to give, but the tables make them uncomfortable". I didn't know wh at I expected, but I gave it a shot.
Well, guess what? They forwarded my request to the Red Cross and they are gonna bring a reclining donation chair! I don't know why I'm so pleased, but I am. I feel like I did something good, even if Im the only one that uses it.
I guess what I want to tell you all, is that if you ever feel like you need something special to accommodate you, you should ask for it. The worst that they can do is say they can't/won't. As I get older and wider(yes, I meant WIDER not WISER , I feel the need to be open about what I need in order to make my life easier. And, if my needs can make it easier for OTHERS, then it's a win/win situation!