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Giving thanks for the acceptance

Dimensions Magazine

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Sweet Tooth

Deep. W i d e.
Nov 4, 2005
In honor of Thanksgiving, I'd like to mention a few things I'm thankful for having had in my journey of acceptance.

1] Some truly awesome FAs [and even a few not-so-awesome ones who helped me realize that liking fat women shouldn't be the only requirement for dating] - my husband who thinks I'm cute even when I haven't showered or combed my hair yet and some ex boyfriends who adored my body and helped me see someone could love me for my looks :D

2] Good friends struggling to accept themselves, too. They know what I'm going through because they've been there. Bonus points if we can share clothes!

3] Nieces and nephews who love me no matter what size I am, and who I see accepting themselves in ways I could've only dreamed of doing so at their tender ages. [Details below. If you've heard them before, just ignore mine and add your own.]

Two stories centered on one niece in particular:
-I was getting ready to run errands with my sister and her kids, waiting in the car with the girls who were around 5 or 6 at the time. It was summer and Vacation Bible School time, so the girls were full of songs they learned. One was a Sandi Patti song about "Beautiful Feet". I put my feet up on the seat in front of me and said something about my big feet [size 12, thankyouverymuch] and my niece said "Big beautiful feet. Big beautiful Aunt Kris."
-I participated in a regional NAAFA event one weekend, coming home on a bit of a high as one does after being surrounded by so many fat, fabulous people. Waiting for me was mail from my grandmother about how embarrassed she was to have me as her granddaughter because of my weight. Talk about bursting my bubble. I opened the door to go to my bedroom and, on a chalkboard, my niece had drawn me a big heart with the words, "I love you Aunt Kris!" on them. She didn't do it in reaction to that letter. She just did it because. We never know when someone is going to need to hear those words, I guess, but her unconditional love was the highlight of that weekend.

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