Im gonna do it! Its been almost 3 years since I dropped out of community college, but I want to go back. I've realized that working 7 days a week (2 jobs and all), although quite profitable, is not cool. And certainly not what I want in life (the working 2 jobs part, the money part I think i can handle!
When I (just barely) graduated high school, I had no intentions of going to college. I hated school, I hated homework and I felt it was a waste of time. And it was! Mom and Dad made me go for a year, and it was a waste of their money. I dont think I was ready to do more shcooling and after a year they realized that and let me quit. I worked full time, made money, paid my bills and it was all good. But the 2 jobs got to be a hassle. I had absolutely no time to myself! I was working 14+ hour days! I was crabby and tired 24/7.
One day a few weeks ago I was in my red and khaki uniform (good old Target, ya know) and I stood there, at my register, trying to look busy. And it came to me. Everyone I work with is either a high school student, college student, single parent, retired, or have made Target a career (management).
So what the hell was I doing??? NOTHING!
As many of you know (cause I say it all the time) animals are my passion. My kennel job is the most wonderful thing in the world, and if I could have a career with animals I would bethe happiest person on earth.
So I talked to my mom (cause apparently she knows EVERYTHING). She said "You'll need a degree to get anywhere." And that settled it.
Im going up to the college today, gonna talk to some people, see what classes I need to take and hopefully get registered for the summer classes! I know its a lot of work, but I feel ready and willing!
Im actually excited!

When I (just barely) graduated high school, I had no intentions of going to college. I hated school, I hated homework and I felt it was a waste of time. And it was! Mom and Dad made me go for a year, and it was a waste of their money. I dont think I was ready to do more shcooling and after a year they realized that and let me quit. I worked full time, made money, paid my bills and it was all good. But the 2 jobs got to be a hassle. I had absolutely no time to myself! I was working 14+ hour days! I was crabby and tired 24/7.
One day a few weeks ago I was in my red and khaki uniform (good old Target, ya know) and I stood there, at my register, trying to look busy. And it came to me. Everyone I work with is either a high school student, college student, single parent, retired, or have made Target a career (management).
So what the hell was I doing??? NOTHING!
As many of you know (cause I say it all the time) animals are my passion. My kennel job is the most wonderful thing in the world, and if I could have a career with animals I would bethe happiest person on earth.
So I talked to my mom (cause apparently she knows EVERYTHING). She said "You'll need a degree to get anywhere." And that settled it.
Im going up to the college today, gonna talk to some people, see what classes I need to take and hopefully get registered for the summer classes! I know its a lot of work, but I feel ready and willing!
Im actually excited!