Last month, I sent Nancy Harber of Tenn. two large boxes full of statues and figurines of large ladies, books of size acceptance, and tapes, well over $ 1000.00 in cost from the collection of myself and my wife, Sherry Eckert. I'm cleaning out my house of all F/A and NAAFA memorabilia, I do not want to see one more item in the house. For those who collect this type of items, I have a deal for you...... all of my Dimensions magazines, from issue #1, NAAFA newsletters from 1969, Wilson Barbers newsletters, RUBEN ESQ. sketchbooks, Juri Vann's artwork, "BULGE", "Radiance Magazine", and many other F/A magazines, etc. The price.....0,nothing,zero. The catch....I want it out of my house in two weeks. Sure, I could of sold the Mudd Women and other statues maybe online and made some money, heck, I just got two bills in the mail concerning Sherry for $16,000.00. But I rather give it to someone who could use them. So, if you want my collection, please call DON at 314-504-2067 or e-mail me at [email protected] If your reading this CONRAD, I want to thank you for treating SHERRY with respect and giving her her due in the times we were together. This will be my last post on this site, I can not continue to look at NAAFA any longer, due to the way they treated my wife in death and me, last year in D.C. I hope the Board and some members of NAAFA go to H---!!!!!!