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GREAT news! Some misogynists are actually mislabeled ...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
They don't hate women at all! Really, they just like to spout inflammatory, overtly sexist tripe and, when called on said behaviors, will backpedal ... and backpedal ... and toss out debating term colliquialisms like "red herring" and "strawman" (as if the winner of the discussion simply needs to tie neat little bundles of words together when desribing the opposition to his inciteful hodgepodge). Pretty soon, they didn't mean a word of that wretched vomitus at all! Why, it was simply imagined by the dozens of people who "over-reacted"!

Really, they love women. And if an unspecified number just happens to be slaves of the sex trade industry (for example) or trapped in an abusive relationship, that's really unfortunate. But let's not forget that many women (and young girls!) *choose* to be prostitutes (as opposed to, say, starved corpses) and many others deserve to be stuck alone, holding the diaper bag, because lots of really neat surveys say that poor, henpecked men don't want to take on any responsibility. What's in it for THEM, after all?

So overall, the awesome news is that perhaps not every misogynist actually HATES women so much as completely misunderstands them. Or, for that matter, wishes to enrage as many of them as possible ... for sport!

Evidence 'n stuff linked here

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