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great nigt in italian restaurant

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New Member
Apr 10, 2008
This is my firts post so a little introduction.
I am maried for 29 years my wife is 48 years 5.18 ft tall or short and one year ago her weight was 132 lbs. Through the years i liked big women much more and more as specially if they take good care of their looks nice cloths and nice hair and make up you know what i mean. An interest of me is cooking
i like to cook and love to see the people enjoying the food. My wife likes to eat but was always condsiddering her weight. But the years went by the children grown up and more times for the two of us.
Some times we had an erotic dinner she only in lingerie at he table and me cokong the food she liked best. Mushrooms with danishblue under the grill as an appetiser ansd a lot of small portision as a main corse. Than i would blinfold her and lay her down on the couch feeding her fruit covered with warm choclat. This made her rounder and fatter. I liked that and lover to feel her tommy and giving lots of compliments about her sofness. I als order a lot of het clothes and order just a liite bit bigger so that se liked the clothes the bigger size thit not matter to her becaus it was a new fashion house and then it happens that they have other sizes.
We have a shop and she always gave comments at women in the shop like she has rolls on her and well that one has some weight on her and i always replied in the style of but it looks good on her.
And when my wife was "complaining" about her weight again i gave her an answer like waht you love a lot you must get a lot of. The problem for her is that she likes sweets, icecream, chocolat , a peace of applepie and so on.
She hate s exercise because she says i work 10 hours in a shop and i walk a lot during the day so i have enough exercise. The result of this is that she gained 20 lbs in the last 10 months.
Yesterday we went with the children to a new italian restaurant. As a starter she had carpaccio and for the main course she had a grilled staek. every body had a side plate with paprika and frighted potatoes. I order for all of us 1 portion of spagettie with garlic and spanish peppers and a lot of olive oil.
So that was one portion for the 4 of us. My wife kept saying this is good this is verry good i love it and the spagetti was finished and she sayd i will order an other plate for the four of us She ate it almost alone. One of the children thid not finissh the side plate so she also took that plate with potatoes and tomatoes. As a desert the weihter recommended tiramisu because it was home made. My wife ordere a portion and i had a coffe. Itwas a big portion and it was good verry good. My daugther had an dame blance and after she had finidshed it she had one spoon of the tiramisu. She also thaught that it was verry good. So mother and daughter order one more portion for the both of them. My dauhter had trhree biets and my wife finished it. Than se took an coffee with an cigar and she was full realy full and it showed. Her belly was round and hard and i loved it i hope she does this more because i love to see her eat and i know that she wil grow.
It was a great evening.
Sorry for my mistakes in the writting but english is not my native tonque
kind regards smokey 1957

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