The flight was... interesting... Sat around some very interesting folks. Jesus H. Christ, am I ever glad it's over!!! Ryan's wonderful, and relatively polite. (Who knew? ) I've been minding my manners. His parents and their kitties are absolute delights.
Ryan's currently playing with my Hairagami and probably going to die. There are brief moments I question his sanity, but generally speaking, what a terrific, kind, lovable person!!! I'm absolutely smitten.
Nothing else of interest. We've had good Thai food and pizza. (Great food here in Cali!) Tomorrow we're going to do more touristy type stuff since people will be heading home. Work keeps bothering me, but I'm dealing
He's terrific in bed. I'll just tell you now.
Ryan's currently playing with my Hairagami and probably going to die. There are brief moments I question his sanity, but generally speaking, what a terrific, kind, lovable person!!! I'm absolutely smitten.
Nothing else of interest. We've had good Thai food and pizza. (Great food here in Cali!) Tomorrow we're going to do more touristy type stuff since people will be heading home. Work keeps bothering me, but I'm dealing
He's terrific in bed. I'll just tell you now.