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Greg Wiggle passes the yellow skivvy...

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The Teflon Frog
Sep 30, 2005
Anybody who knows the Wiggles (or at least their kids) will be sad to hear that Greg Page, the lead singer of the Wiggles, Australia's popular entertainers of children will be leaving the group due to health issues.

My daughter really likes the Wiggles, and admittedly I think they play the best kid's Rock and Roll songs that I've heard. They are skilled musicians, teach kids about a variety of music and their shows also teach good values.

The new yellow Wiggle will be Sam Moran, who ocassionally plays Professor Singalottasonga and who has a background as an opera singer. Sam Moran is in the picture below wearing the yellow jersey.

My salute to Greg Wiggle; any guy who enjoys entertaining kids and is a sincere fan of Elvis is a good man!

Greg Page singing Elvis songs:
