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Grocery store clerks & inane comments

Dimensions Magazine

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Sweet Tooth

Deep. W i d e.
Nov 4, 2005
Posting this here because I'm also giving my grocery list. :D

My "justification" and background: I went to a SuperWalmart today because it was right by the outlet mall I wanted to visit. Tef and I had very little in the house - a little milk, butter, eggs, some meat, but no real quick foods. It's supposed to be 100°+ this weekend, and I don't want to cook because we don't have AC. Plus, I'm going to Vegas next week but Tef isn't, so I wanted to make sure he had at least a few meals that he could make without fuss while I'm gone. [Read: Open can. Heat.]

So, what does the clerk say to me? "Looks like you're stocking up." Um, I had less than half a cart full because, really, it's just 2 of us and even "stocking up" doesn't take much effort.

Once, when I was buying some of those packs of pre-sliced apple snacks [I like to take them with me], a clerk said, "OMG, how lazy is this?" as she hold up the package.

I remember doing shopping for my grandmother back in high school when I was 225 lbs, and the clerk held up the butter I was buying for Gram to make cookies [mind you, Gram ate white bread with margarine and jelly daily and lived to be 100] and said, "You should really try oleo." I didn't understand why. I had to ask my mom when I got home, and she explained the diet food bit to me.

So, what did I get today? 2 boxes cereal [1 grown up, 1 Rice Krispie treat cereal for late night snacks], 2 boxes granola bars [1 reduced sugar, 1 regular], 1 box mac n cheese, 1 box pudding [to put in cookies I hopefully will make for taking to Vegas - sorry, limited amounts!], chocolate chips for said cookies, 1 loaf whole wheat bread, 1 small package tortillas for tonight's dinner, 1 can fat free refried beans [ditto], 1 bottle hot sauce for hubby, 2 cans "healthy" soup, 2 small cans chicken for chicken salad, 1 lb medium cheddar cheese [mostly for hubby], 1 Kozy Shack rice pudding, 1 2-liter diet Pepsi, bananas, apples, 3 bags various frozen veggies [okay, 1 was a 4 lb bag, but Tef eats them frozen as a snack], 1 bag baked BBQ Lays, and various toiletries.

I'm not sure how that amount, for 2 weeks for 2 people, is enough to comment on. I just let it slide. I find a lot of cashiers seem to make comments in an effort to be friendly, but really don't know what to comment on.

Who else has far more ridiculous and/or entertaining comments said to them by store clerks?

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