OK, haiku isn't so mysterious for those who are unfamiliar. Simply, it's a 3 line poem, which doesn't need to rhyme and it is built by syllables; the first line contains five syllable, the 2nd line has seven and the last five. We'll forget that it's supposed to tie into nature and reveal some truth. Nah, they can be dirty and even stupid.
"Chocolate" you said?
"Cherry is my flavor,
Bake me a woman"
OK, I'll start off with the first line, five syllables, someone else add the 2nd line with 7, another finishes with a 5, and someone else starts a new one.
My phone stopped ringing
"Chocolate" you said?
"Cherry is my flavor,
Bake me a woman"
OK, I'll start off with the first line, five syllables, someone else add the 2nd line with 7, another finishes with a 5, and someone else starts a new one.
My phone stopped ringing