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Happy New *Election* Year! A sorta holiday greeting and a few Rules of da Road

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Big Beautiful Dreamer

ridiculously contented
Feb 26, 2006
Greetings and happy New Year, Hyde Parkers! As a few of you might have noticed, 2012 is an election year.

I know, I know, we're still ten or eleven months from actual Election Day; however, the caucuses and primaries have begun, with the first one going boom in just two days.

So let's review, shall we?

1. Respect the right of others to have their own religious or political convictions without being called names on that account. This includes polictical affiliations like Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, and the like. Those who can't be tolerant can't post.
The term "teabagger" or any grammatical variants thereof, in reference to the Tea Party or any member or supporter thereof, is a violation of the rules. Enough learning-curve time has passed. Use of the term now constitutes an infraction.

2. If a moderator suggests by a private message that you cool it, listen. Else you may wind up having to get posts pre-approved or not being able to post at all.
I don't sent private "cool it" messages whimsically or arbitrarily. I do it because I'd prefer not to have to infract you in the first place if I don't have to.

3. The location of President Obama's birth, relative to his meeting the constitutional requirements for holding the office of the presidency, are not up for discussion. Should there be new developments that merit discussion, threads will be allowed unless and until they deteriorate. After discussion among moderators and Webmaster, this topic was tabled because few involved seemed able to get beyond "is too," "is not."

4. Discussion of political candidates, potential candidates, or former candidates is encouraged and permitted. Gratuitous name-calling is not permitted, is a violation of Da Rules of Hyde Park, and anyone engaging in it will receive one PM warning, to be followed by infractions for repeated offenses. By all means, support and encourage your candidate; just not by calling other candidates names.

5. Reminder: I discourage disproportionate glee over someone else's misfortune. It's not a formal prohibition, but I think it's in very bad taste.

6. I would suggest that we all, each time we're inclined to post, build in thirty or sixty seconds of pause, take deep breaths, and think about whether what we're about to post will genuinely contribute to engaging and helpful discussion. Let's bear in mind that we all owe one another basic civility.
I appeal to the presumption that all of us playing in Hyde Park are adults. We represent an impressive spectrum of employment, outlook, education and belief. I encourage everyone to take a minute, take a deep breath, think, and think again before each post.

7. Your gift to me has been the pleasure and challenge of moderating Hyde Park since April 2010. I continue to be impressed, amused, and sometimes perplexed at the individual and collective behavior of this gang that makes it one of the most fun things one can engage in online.

Thank you for (mostly) listening to me, and thanks for the endlessly engaging and never, ever, dull dialogue you have with one another.

I wish you all the goodwill of the season and a happy and prosperous year to come.

There. I'm finally done running my mouth. It is a genuine pleasure and privilege for me to moderate Hyde Park, and even though I'm sure we exasperate each other regularly, it's a task I value and enjoy. Thank you, gang.

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