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Happy Veterans Day

Dimensions Magazine

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Lions don't need to spank
Nov 8, 2005
Banned from facebook,
Happy Veterans Day Vets!

Thank you goes out to the veterans around our country and the ones still serving overseas in our military. Thanks also to their families who serve alongside their men/women and for families who lost their loved ones . . . you have my thanks, sympathy, and appreciation for your family member's sacrifice and sorrow for their death.

To change the tone of this thread, I know this Veteran's Day thanks is a little late, but I have been enthralled all day watching the ceremony at Arlington, the documentaries on TV, and now the basketball game on the carrier in San Diego. WOWZA . . . history being made again.

Watching this stuff in high def and big screen has got me hypnotized like a rabbit in the headlights. I know this was not the affect intended by the producers and show's contributors, but I am a simple minded creature and easily influenced. (It has the same effect on my dogs too.)

Speaking of beloved pets, this short video of veterans returning home and welcomed by their dogs is heartwarming.


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