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Hello from Vanessa Re: 'Skinny'

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
Hello All,

I hope this finds you all well. I thought I’d drop by. A female fan of the ‘Skinny’ video mentioned this site to me. I’m Vanessa - the lady in the corset :p with the hoover..etc :blush:

I’m an actress and sometimes I do plus size modelling also. I just got back into acting after ten years absence from it due to this video giving me a boost back into creativity. I was recommended to the director by a friend and the rest is kind of history.

Everyone on set worked as a team. There’s a lot of love in that video and I think the happiness shows.

I read the script and trust me there was a script. Steve Price, the director was very clear on what he wanted to achieve. He didn’t want anything that would make large beautiful women look anything less than positive and beautiful. He also wanted to challenge the perceptions of women in the home.

Homemakers around the world can unite and if their significant other now find them ironing in their lingerie then that should be embraced as something positive. There’s no shame in it.

Of course we have to face the constant backlash from people who are hung up about sexual images and/or larger women. But it’s time to go back to the good old days where larger women were hailed as sexy and alluring by the western world. Please don’t think I’m advocating a Skinny Vs Fat war because I’m not. I’m saying body shape should stop being such an issue for people as long as they are happy and healthy. You wouldn’t know it but I do yoga, I swim and I walk all over the place. Females (and even some males) should not have to feel they can’t eat. Should not have to feel that being size 0 is a positive image.

When I was 18 I was painfully thin not because I didn’t eat because I lived then in Spain – very hot. I worked long hours, ran around everywhere and I snacked. Was I any happier? No – I actually felt really hollow. I can’t describe it but I know that size didn’t suit me.
My late father even said, ‘Have you eaten since you got there?’ It was kind of tongue in cheek but he was shocked as was my mother.

At 21 I had a baby and I glowed. I loved being bigger. After I lost the baby weight and more due to feeling like ‘I should – society/media’ etc I became unhappy again. At 28 I said, NO MORE. I am what I am. I’m going to enjoy food and I’ll exercise. I did more modelling for photographers then who used me because I was happy within the skin I'm in. There are lots of pretty women out there but it’s all about positive attitudes and that can’t be photoshoped, my friends.

I didn’t know when I stepped on set that this video would make people proud of their weight and sexiness. I didn’t know so many men would appreciate the form and women of all sizes would say, ‘Well hell it’s about time!’

I must also applaud ladies like Velvet that have the guts to stand up in such a high profile way and say ‘I’m me. You don’t like it fine, but I love me’. She’s a beautiful example of how to work those curves in a positive and happy way. There are always times we’re going to be made to feel crap about how we look. We’re going to have times of self-doubt about how we look. It’s human nature. But the thing to remember is; stay smiling and positive and surround yourself with people who love you for you. That love will transcend race, colour and size and it’s that love and support that you should focus on and not the negativity of people who have insecurities of their own. I feel you already know this but so many (especially young girls, don't)

In issue to some comments on YOUTUBE (and yes, we know they were being ridiculous but also know that a small group of people must have found women in underwear dancing all out pornography and flagged us) But moving on from their insecurities and beliefs on sexual content we reign in putting the word out there that sexiness is nothing to be ashamed of. There was nothing on that video I wasn’t ashamed to show my Granny who’s in her 70’s. She’s a church going women too and she’s very opinionated. She thought it was harmless fun. My Granny rocks!

Myself, and my fellow actresses in the video are real people. We did our best for all plus sized women and those that admire the fuller form. But bottom line is, we had fun!

We don’t know how this will go down mainstream yet but the response to the song and video has been 99% positive and if any of us are asked to further promote this to the media we will do our best to take any of your comments on board and use them positively. So if you’d like to leave some for me that would be wonderful and I will be sure to pass them onto the media if asked what other people think.

Time allowing I hope to join in with this wonderful community which I’m so very glad that was brought to my attention.

I see some very beautiful people on here – heart, soul and aesthetics. Well done to you all for keeping what you believe real – real!

I must thank Jon B for mentioning the video and to those that have added the video to their myspace.

Thank you for your time in reading this. And give yourselves a big hug! You rock!:wubu:

Keep it real,
Vanessa x

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