Fatter Bastard
New Member
I am on my way to becoming a fat activist. I have been to many other blogs and I see that there is much turmoil in the fat acceptance movement. I would like to see that turmoil end.
This board seems to be free form all the infighting that have plagued organizations like NAAFA. That is why I am posting here and for the fact that this place looks like a hell of a lot of fun.
I think there is a bit of intellectual dishonesty on the part of many people in the movement. Because this is a feeder site of sorts I think there is a lot of honesty here and very little pretense. I have just started a blog that will unashamedly and unapologetically promote obesity and not apologize for it.
If you are looking for a blog that shouts that being fat is a good thing then stop by and say hi. Say what ever you want.
Fatter Bastard.
This board seems to be free form all the infighting that have plagued organizations like NAAFA. That is why I am posting here and for the fact that this place looks like a hell of a lot of fun.
I think there is a bit of intellectual dishonesty on the part of many people in the movement. Because this is a feeder site of sorts I think there is a lot of honesty here and very little pretense. I have just started a blog that will unashamedly and unapologetically promote obesity and not apologize for it.
If you are looking for a blog that shouts that being fat is a good thing then stop by and say hi. Say what ever you want.
Fatter Bastard.