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Fatter Bastard

New Member
Apr 8, 2008
I am on my way to becoming a fat activist. I have been to many other blogs and I see that there is much turmoil in the fat acceptance movement. I would like to see that turmoil end.

This board seems to be free form all the infighting that have plagued organizations like NAAFA. That is why I am posting here and for the fact that this place looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

I think there is a bit of intellectual dishonesty on the part of many people in the movement. Because this is a feeder site of sorts I think there is a lot of honesty here and very little pretense. I have just started a blog that will unashamedly and unapologetically promote obesity and not apologize for it.

If you are looking for a blog that shouts that being fat is a good thing then stop by and say hi. Say what ever you want.

Fatter Bastard.


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