Mustachio Nut
This is diplomacy in action?
I smell a cover-up and media manipulation.
There is a refusal by the US State Department, Hillary Clinton and her (obnoxious) aides to answer the hard questions (by a BuzzFeed reporter online no less) as to the facts surrounding the security situation at the US Embassy in Benghazi on September 11 and the death of a US Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and members of his staff.
If Hillary Clinton is to maintain any shred of credibility in this fiasco, she should either front up to the media herself and answer what's put to her or hire an aide who is willing to face up to some cold hard truths.
Is she protecting the facts around the Al-Qaeda linked attack in Libya to protect some sort of legacy? How much information was compromised, lost & stolen in the embassy attack?
CNN & Cooper Anderson had every right to report on the diplomat's diary left behind that it had found - 3 days after the assault.
It's becoming pretty clear the YouTube film on Mohammed had very little to do with the attacks and was used as a scapegoat & cover for a pre-planned attack. According to CNN, the diary confirms warnings of the threat of a planned attack by foreign insurgents (Al Qaeda).
And Philippe Reines - Hillary's obnoxious aide who went over the top on his attack on CNN last weekend and in exchanges with the BuzzFeed reporter, should be promptly fired!
Just as well she lost to Obama in the 2008 primaries. Hillary would have been a dreadful President. Her conduct through all of this supports that assessment.

This is diplomacy in action?
I smell a cover-up and media manipulation.
There is a refusal by the US State Department, Hillary Clinton and her (obnoxious) aides to answer the hard questions (by a BuzzFeed reporter online no less) as to the facts surrounding the security situation at the US Embassy in Benghazi on September 11 and the death of a US Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and members of his staff.
If Hillary Clinton is to maintain any shred of credibility in this fiasco, she should either front up to the media herself and answer what's put to her or hire an aide who is willing to face up to some cold hard truths.
Is she protecting the facts around the Al-Qaeda linked attack in Libya to protect some sort of legacy? How much information was compromised, lost & stolen in the embassy attack?
CNN & Cooper Anderson had every right to report on the diplomat's diary left behind that it had found - 3 days after the assault.
It's becoming pretty clear the YouTube film on Mohammed had very little to do with the attacks and was used as a scapegoat & cover for a pre-planned attack. According to CNN, the diary confirms warnings of the threat of a planned attack by foreign insurgents (Al Qaeda).
And Philippe Reines - Hillary's obnoxious aide who went over the top on his attack on CNN last weekend and in exchanges with the BuzzFeed reporter, should be promptly fired!
Just as well she lost to Obama in the 2008 primaries. Hillary would have been a dreadful President. Her conduct through all of this supports that assessment.
Hillary Clinton Aide Tells Reporter To F#&k Off And Have A Good Life
As the State Department's story about what happened in Benghazi crumbles, Clinton's personal spokesperson, Philippe Reines, loses his temper. Have a good day. And by good day I mean F#&k Off.
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