Great big tubs of chunky green heaven.
My fave?
Chipotle. Just a perfect combination of spice and fresh fresh, McDonald's connection be damned.
Perfect size---1/8 lb container.
And the other day the place was closing up, and they gave me my container for free. "Take it, I know you have to have it bad."
Chips? Of course.
But also on a slice of baked eggplant, yum yum yum yum.
On fat slices of fresh yellow, orange or red pepper.
Straight from the container.
Like life, Guac lasts a very short time, which makes it more precious.
View attachment Chipotle.jpg
My fave?
Chipotle. Just a perfect combination of spice and fresh fresh, McDonald's connection be damned.
Perfect size---1/8 lb container.
And the other day the place was closing up, and they gave me my container for free. "Take it, I know you have to have it bad."
Chips? Of course.
But also on a slice of baked eggplant, yum yum yum yum.
On fat slices of fresh yellow, orange or red pepper.
Straight from the container.
Like life, Guac lasts a very short time, which makes it more precious.
View attachment Chipotle.jpg