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HOW do we belong here? In repsonse to hot guy thread debate

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cuddly, hairy, and fat
Mar 16, 2006
No matter how frustrating they get, I’m glad to see that Dimensions is a place where we can have rich and varied debates about the numerous varieties of fat life. I don’t know of any other place on the web (or in real life) where so many different ‘types’ of fat people (and their thin allies) gather together for a sense of community, and a place as open to the numerous ways that we all experience our fat and/or our support for fat people.

This is the main reason I spend so much time here, because in many ways it mirrors the kind of social life I want in the real world- a vibrant, multi-faceted, tolerant grouping of people and activities focused on the basic premise that fat people are valuable members of society. Is Dimensions a perfect place for all fat people at all times? No, of course not. Few places in the world (both online and off) that actually allows differences of opinion to flourish would meet the criteria of perfect. However, because Dimensions offers space for all types of fat people to communicate, I prefer it to any other fat positive sites on the web, because the type of fat acceptance I want is a fat acceptance for anyone and everyone who wants and needs it, fat or otherwise.

Dimensions isn’t what it is because it was created for YOU; it is the way it is because Conrad has allowed it to be a place we create for US. A place that started off as a group for FAs has become more than just a place for FAs and fat women to meet, and I for one think that is something to celebrate, that people of all sizes, sexualities, genders, races, nationalities, etc. are as free to participate on the boards as the FAs and the fat women are.

However, this diversity doesn’t happen by osmosis, it happens because those of us who post here have the responsibility to keep Dimensions a place open to others like us. In other words, if you don’t see exactly what you want here, then you need to put it here. Even more, tell us your experiences, your perspectives, and your hopes, so that we will have a better idea of what it means to be a fat person or a thin ally with a different identity then we have.

I had a different objective when I started this, but now I think I want to end this with a request: if you’re so inclined, would you share a little but here about what it is about your embodied life that you’d like to see better represented here, and also, more importantly, suggestions as to how we can support you in making Dimensions more hospitable to your experiences as a fat person or fat ally? I really think most of us want Dimensions to be open to as many people as possible who believe in the basic human dignity of fat people, and I’d like to see how I can do my part to make that happen.

I’ll wrap this long post up without my own ‘story’ (lucky you, lol). I’m a squeaky wheel anyway, so I’m sure anyone who has been around here some time already knows it. I do hope people will participate, and that we can find some common ground to work from, because we really are a tiny oasis in a very large fat hating world, and I don’t want anything to destroy my midnight at the oasis.

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