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How Do You Wear Your Fat?

Dimensions Magazine

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Om Namah Shivayah
Jan 27, 2006
After having a somewhat in depth conversation about my body with a good friend, we have both decided that my fat is firm...yup, she felt me up and confirmed it. It's not that my fat isn't soft, because it is...but as far as collagen or the make up of my fat, it's more firm so to speak...Something that comes to mind is how I gain weight - I'm over 200 lbs, but I wear it well, now this might be due to my shape (hourglass), but I'll be honest, I don't sag much - well, yet, anyway. However, when I felt hers, it was more pliable and squishy almost...you should have seen us - two fat chicks just feeling each other up! Good times!

Someone please tell me I'm not crazy and that you've had these kinds of thoughts/discussions too.

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