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How I Got Fat (revised) - by Dale71395 (~BBW, Eating/drinking fantasy, rapid ~WG )

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Nov 11, 2006
~BBW, Eating/drinking fantasy, rapid ~WG - a smart girl gets richer, and fatter, than she ever imagined.

How I Got Fat (revised)
by Dale71395

[Note this is an expanded version of an earlier and already edited story.

Hi I am Beth. . I am 5’4.” I once weighed 115 pounds, and was working part-time at a law firm while going to College. I was taking business courses going for law school degree. My hope was to get a good job at some big law firm when I graduated. I had retained a good appetite from my active days in high school, but an ongoing love for soccer allowed me to stay trim despite it.

Frank was a nice guy who went to all the college soccer games when I first met him. He was in his fourth year. He was handsome but hung around with Sally. I didn’t know what he saw in her She was so fat, I’d say about 205 pounds with very large hips. She was an excellent goalie though.

After all those years of school I passed the bar exam first try. Noble and Henderson hired me right out of collage. It was an okay firm, but not what I was aiming for. I worked hard, won some cases in criminal court. I enjoyed the courtroom. Still played soccer on the weekends on two different teams to stay slim.

One day I was going up against Johnson and Smith, one of the biggest law firms in Iowa. I studied the case and found the loophole I needed to win the case. I was very pleased with myself. After the case was over Ben Johnson offered me a job at their firm. I was excited about the opportunity. How could I say no?

When I got to my new office they did not need a trial lawyer. The opening was in the contract side of the firm. It was a large firm with many employees. It was my goal to get to the top. So I came in on Saturdays to go over the contracts and make a good impression.

The contracts I drew up were very well thought out. I made the firm lots of money; they began to take notice of my success. They moved me to the corner office with a window and secretary to answer the phones. With more responsibility comes more work. No more Saturday Soccer. So I joined a gym instead.But using it wasn't the easiest to do.

One day walking into the elevator I brushed by someone who I thought might have been Frank. The firm had been busy and there had been several new hires. I thought I saw something in his eyes. A note of recognition? I never thought he knew me in college. But I was not sure though; I was thinking of work. That’s all I was doing it seemed.

The next day I went down the stairs to the cafeteria for lunch. I was using the stairs to try to keep fit, but it wasn’t entirely working I suspected. I was getting my salad when someone said; “Beth, is that you?”

I turned around and there indeed was Frank.

“I thought it was you getting out of the elevator the other day.” I said.

“Yep, its me – in the flesh. I remember you as a soccer player. Obviously you’ve moved up. How long have you been working here?”

“Let’s see, about three years so far. Love working here, that’s why I spent all that time in college.”

“Me too. I just started last week though.”

We got our food. With someone to talk to I had a burrito and a piece of cake along with my salad. More than I was used to having, but I wanted to chat. We sat down together.

“So do you have any kids?” he asked.

“ No not yet. I have been to busy with work to start a family, or even dating.”

“Me too, These hours are hard to get used to.”

“You do get used to it though.” I replied

“So when do you come down here for lunch?”

“Whenever I have time.”

Frank smiled. “How about joining me for lunch when you can. I just started so I have lunch between 12:00 and 1:00 every day.”

“I can try but the lunch room is so busy then.”

“Nice seeing you. I will look forward to our lunches.” he said,

“ Me too, have a nice day and see you tomorrow.”

Sure was nice seeing Beth. She looks like she put on a few pounds. I sure would like helping her along. I guess I’ll see how things go with her before I start checking other women out at the firm.

The next day I again went down to the cafeteria – late.

I got in line to get my food. There was no salad left. I asked the server if there was any more salad. “No,” he said, “It’ll be at least 15 minutes.”

Not much of a selection left. There were two pieces of cherry pie though. It had been a while since I had eaten anything like that. I asked for both pieces of pie along with a double cheeseburger and scanned the room. I saw Frank sitting in the back.

As I sat down with those two pieces of pie on my plate, he came over. I greeted him and we chatted while I ate my burger. A little self-consciously I said “I’ve not eaten much today – this burger tastes great!”

“If cafeteria food is tasting great you’ve not been out much,” he replied. “You must really be working long hours. ”

“You’re right. Its been grab a bite where and when I can. By the way, have you seen Sally lately?”

“Right after graduation,” he replied, “she met another guy. They fell in love and got married. A working career really wasn’t her thing. Its been six years. She has three kids now, and weighs at least 400 pounds.”

I thought it was interesting he would mention her weight.

Frank continued, “Got to go back to work, nice seeing you. How about going out to dinner on Saturday? I know a great burger place much better than here!”

“Nice seeing you also. I would love to. Its been awhile since I’ve been to a place like that." I replied. My dating life with classes and work was in fact non-existent.

As he left after getting my phone number I turned to my two pieces of pie. “Wow,” I thought, its been ages since I’ve eaten anything like this.”

I tried a piece; I can’t describe how good it tasted. I ate both pieces then got up and got a piece of apple and another of pineapple. They were the only ones left. Four piecesof pie was craziness but I hadn’t felt that good about food in a long time. When I got to the office I told the secretary to leave lunch open from now on between 12:00 and 1:00

Now that was interesting. Eating two pieces of pie for lunch. Things are looking good. We’ll see how she acts when I take her to Ed’s burger joint on Saturday. And maybe I’ll ply her with some more pie tomorrow.

The next day I planned my time better and was able to go to lunch at 12:00. When I arrived at the cafeteria the line was pretty long. Standing there smelling all the food made me hungry. I decided to have hamburger and fries with a large coke. I thought how good the pie had been and chose a slice of it too.

I started looking for Frank; he was not there yet. The table in the back was empty so I sat there. What a greasy burger I thought. But it was quite delicious and the fries were unbelievable. So I ate until only the pie was left. Then I saw Frank coming my. He sat down and handed me another piece of pie.

“When I was leaving yesterday it looked like you were enjoying your pie so here’s another piece.”

“Thank you,” I said, and started digging in.” After the burger and fries I was full but ate it anyway. Frank was talking about how he liked dining out on Saturday nights and our upcoming date.

He said, “It’s been some time since I’ve had a good dinner out. There were lots of places new in town to try out.”

I responded saying “Maybe you should give me a tour.” He smiled as he left.

She sure put away the food today. Ate my piece of pie and one of her own. And doesn't mind going out to dinners. We'll see how she acts when I take her to Ed’s burger joint on Saturday.

On the way back to the office my tummy felt like it was ready to explode. I was very uncomfortable sitting at my desk. I told my secretary in and asked, “I ate way too much at lunch. Any ideas on something that would make me feel better?”

She said, “When my husband and I go out to the buffet. I have to drink a coke not that diet stuff but the real thing. It makes me much better.”

I asked, “ Would you get one out of the machine for me?” Here's the money and thanks.”

She came back with a bottle of coke and said, “You need to drink it down as fast as possible to have the best results.”

I said, “Here goes nothing.” I drank that coke right down.

“That was very impressive,” my secretary said.”have you ever tried it with beer?”

“Nope,” I said, “I don’t drink.”

“Too bad.” She replied. “You have a real talent there.” That coke made me feel much better.

The rest of the week was busy and I was unable to eat lunch. No matter – I thought I might have added a few pounds – my belly was showing a slight bulge. But it seemed that skipping lunch made me really hungry for supper.

By Saturday morning I was wondering if Frank would call. Part of me was ready to make up for being unable to have lunch all week. Saturday was no different – a small breakfast, then doing things right into the afternoon. At five minutes to three the phone rang. “Hello” I said. It was Frank.

“Hi I have been looking forward to this all week.” I said, “Its been a busy day and I haven’t even had lunch.” Then I gave him directions.

He said, “I will be there in about an hour.”

I was very excited about where we were going and what we were going to eat.

I decided to wear my red dress. I knew he would like it. I looked hot in it, although it felt a little snug. He arrived 15 minutes early. He knocked on the door. When he saw me after I opened the door he said, “You look beautiful, I never knew what was under those office suits.”

I said, “Thanks for the compliment. Let’s go I am very hungry. How about you?”

He said, “Ever since you said how much you loved that burger I knew the place to take you, you will love the food.”

We got into his car and headed across town towards the ocean. It was a nice drive we talked about our childhood -- which schools we attended, what things we enjoyed doing. We arrived at a small restaurant on the beach.

The sign said Best Burgers. It was a nice evening, light breeze off the ocean. It was not too hot or too cold. When we walked up to the window the man behind the counter said, “Hi Frank you haven’t been here for ages. How’s Sally?”

He replied, “Sally got married five years ago. Has lots of kids, must weigh 400 pounds.” Again the focus on weight I noted.

“I have never seen a women eat that much. Probably will not again. So who is this pretty young girl you have with you?”

“My name is Beth. We first met in College five or six years ago – now we’re getting reacquainted.”

“Always nice to meat a lovely women. So Frank what would you like to eat?”

“We are going to have two of your special burgers with fries and two beers,” Frank replied

I said, “Sorry I do not drink. I will have a coke instead.”

“Oops - I’m sorry I did nor realize you did not drink” Frank reacted. “In that case I will have a coke too.”

“Coming right up.” Ed replied. “The burgers will be ready in about fifteen minutes. Nice seeing you again Frank. Really nice to see beautiful women like you Beth. Hope to see more of you soon.” Then he gave a wink to Frank.

We sat at a table looking over the ocean you could here the surf, the moon was out it was nice to relax and take in the air. Frank said, “The views lovely, and peaceful, helps with digestion.”

After a brief time we got the burgers. They were huge!! Frank said, “Now that’s what I call a burger. Do not be shy, eat up. Nobody cares how you eat around here. That’s why I like to eat here. Plus the food is fantastic.”

I said, “I’m hungry lets eat.” We started eating about five o’clock. It was delicious. Then Frank ordered us sundaes for dessert. I was already full and it took time to eat the concoction Ed brought – but it was divine and I slowly consumed it. By seven I was finishing. I tried twice but could not stand up. I’m glad Frank was there to help.

He asked, “Are you feeling okay?”

I said, “I am so full I need a Coke. It relieves the stuffed feeling.” Frank got one from Ed and I drank it down.

In a few minutes I felt I could move again. I told Ed it was a great meal, and thanks. I said to Frank, “I need to go home.” On the drive home I slept.

When we arrived Frank went to the door with me. I told Frank, “Thanks for a great evening. I would ask you in but I need to sleep.”

Frank said, “I understand! Aren’t those great burgers – and the dessert too. I will see you Monday. Thanks for a great evening.”

All I could do was crawl into bed and relax laid there for awhile thinking how nice Frank had been.

Wow she ate all that burger. She is the first girl I know of to ever to do that. Plus desseret and a cke! She has a very large capacity. I need to get her to start drinking alcohol to help with her metabolism.

I had lunch with Frank a few more times the next week, even though I was busy like always. On Thursday Frank asked me out again for a dinner on Saturday night. We went to a nice Italian restaurant. Frank said, “The food here is great, nice size servings also. I am going to have a glass of wine with my dinner. They have the best wine in town. How about joining me with some.”

I thought about it and said, “I think I will I have always wanted to try some wine but never have. You choose what would go best with my lasagna.”

He said, “Burgundy would be the best choice.” When the waiter came Frank ordered for the both of us. When the wine came I did not know what to expect. I tried a small sip; it tasted really good. I had a larger sip. Frank was talking about a trip that he was thinking about going on the next time he had a vacation.

Then Frank asked me, “You have finished your wine would like another glass?” I said, “Yes I would it was very good. When do you think the food would be ready? I’m starved.”

He said, “At least 15 more minutes. They take their time, but it’s worth the wait.” Frank went on about the vacation as I sat and sipped the wine. I started feeling very relaxed and calm, I never felt this before. It felt like an inner glow was coming out. I sat there and enjoyed the feeling. I heard Frank saying, “Beth, Beth, a little louder.”

She was feeling the wine I wondered if I should get her another glass. Maybe when the dinner came.

She said, “Yes Frank. Sorry, I was enjoying feeling from the wine. There’s inner warmth starting from the center and moving through my body. I feel so relaxed. I have never felt like this before. It feels wonderful, I should have tried this years ago.”

That’s when the food came, it looked wonderful. I started eating as soon as it was placed on the table. I heard Frank say another glass of wine for the lady. It was the best Italian food I have ever had. I was eating away when another glass of wine arrived. I took a big swallow it went perfect with the food. Then the food was gone. I was looking for more bread sticks.

Frank hadn’t completely finished his dinner. He asked, “Still hungry? You could try some of mine?”

I was feeling the wine and not thinking of calories. I just said, “Thanks, if you don’t mind. The food is delicious.” I had been looking for breadsticks but his spaghetti was even better.

Frank said, “Wait till you see the deserts.”

I finished the wine and spaghetti, along with a couple more bread sticks. I told Frank I needed to use the ladies room. I stood up my chair fell back on the floor. I stood there for a moment steadying myself.

Frank got up picked up my chair for me. He asked, “Do you need some help? Are you feeling okay?”

I said, “I have never felt better. Where is the ladies room?” He gave me quick directions and I was off. I bumped into a table on the way, told the people I was sorry. After going to the bathroom I sat there for a moment enjoying the feel of the wine, then got up washed my hands and headed back to the table. I bumped into the table again and excused mysewlf. I brushed against a ladies chair; she looked at me annoyed. I said, “Sorry about that,” with a little giggle.

When I finally made it to my seat. Frank had ordered desert - some kind of a lamode, it was delicious. Frank said, “I think it is time to go.”

I said, “I was hoping for another wine glass. I mean glass of wine.”

Frank said, “ Not tonight. Lets get you home.”

Frank started driving home he was talking about how good the food was. I closed my eyes for a second. Next I knew he was shaking me awake. I looked around and got my bearings. We were home.

Frank helped me out of the car and walked me to my door I gave him a big kiss and asked him inside. He said, “I better wait for another time. Thanks all the same.”

I gave him another big kiss and closed the door. I changed into my nighty and sat down to watch TV.

Well I got her to try some wine; it was very successful, but she needs to learn to pace herself. I’m still amazed at her capacity. She sure looked peaceful before I woke her up. I definitely saw a small roll of fat on her waist sitting in the car.

Next I remember the phone was ringing, I looked at the clock it was 11:00 o’clock. I said, “Hello”.

Frank was on the phone. He asked, “ How about going out for lunch?”

I said, “I can’t, no clothes to wear next week if I don’t get some laundry done, and I have to do some grocery shopping. I will see you at lunch on Monday.”

Frank said, “Okay, I will be looking forward to seeing you there.”

At the grocery store I bought two bottles of wine. I decided to try some beer also. They had some pre-made cherry pie. So I bought one of those I put some laundry in the washer sat down to watch the TV.

I opened a beer, sipped it. It was very good I drank it down like the coke. Got up got another beer drank it down. I was wondering why I didn’t feel the warmth starting to go through my body aswiuth the wine the night before. So I opened another beer drank it down. I decided to take the rest of the beer to the couch and watch TV. I sat on the couch watched a movie for awhile finished the rest of the beers.

“I’d better check the laundry.” I stood up, Woo. It was like standing on a cloud. Could not feel my feet. My face felt numb. I started walking toward the garage stumbled into the table landed on my ass. I tried to stand up could not. So I just sat there for awhile giggling. So this is what it’s like being drunk. I wonder how long it would last?

I remembered somebody saying if you eat something it could help. I thought about the pie in the refrigerator. First I need to get up. So I pulled myself up on a dining room chair. Then I stood up and staggered to the refrigerator. Opened the door grabbed the pie. I turned around lost my balance and staggered against the counter.

I said, “shew,thatts wass closs.” Or did I say that? I could not feel my tongue. Nor my cheeks. I said, “Ltts mach it to thees tabeels. No weihghss, a fork fursts.” Got a fork stumbled to the table the pie slipped luckily it landed straight up on the floor. I bent over to pick it up, feel right on top of it. “Ohs shno” I moved to the side. The pie was a little flat but not to bad. So I leaned against the kitchen cabinet and started eating. It was good. Just sat and ate the pie until it was gone.

I felt better, leaned my head back, closed my eyes for a moment to feel the buzz. When I opened my eyes it was dark outside. I tried to stand everything was working again. I found a clock 10:05 PM. Time for bed.

The next couple of weeks Frank and I were spending a lot of time together. Going out to dinner on Saturday nights and daily lunches. My workload was increasing so I started buying donuts on the way into work to save some time. My clothes were starting to feel tight but I ignored it. I was eating more and drinking beer or wine every night. But not as much as those first two tries.

The alcohol, I rationalized, seemed to be slowing my metabolism down. I knew I was putting on weight, but how much I neither cared to know or think about. We had seeing each other for over a month when Frank suggested we got to the hamburger joint again. I agreed for the next Saturday.

I decided to wear the same red dress. It was tight and hard to get over my hips. After I got it on I looked in the mirror. My tummy was sticking out. My butt was definitely larger. I knew if I kept eating like I had been the dress would be history along with my other clothes. For some reason I didn't care.

When Frank arrived he starred at me.

I said, “You like?” I twirled around to give him a good look.

“You look better and better every day. Wow, you are hot.”

“Why, thank you” I said, “I’m hungry lets go.”

When Ed saw me he said, “Hi beautiful. You filled out that dress very nicely. Got the burgers cooking give me a couple more minutes. How about a coke?”

I said, “Not tonight a beer sounds good, Corona please.”

He gave me the beer I drank it straight down. “Hey Ed can I have another please? I needed that”

“Sure Beth, one more coming up”

Frank had sat at the table waiting for me, so I sat down until the food came. I still could barely believe how big those burgers were. I started eating the huge burger half way through got another beer. I could feel the buzz starting then growing. It felt wonderful. After eating I stood up to get another beer. I could feel my balance going and my cheeks were getting numb. So I sat back down.

Frank asked, “ Want something else?”

“I was thinking about another beer but I know I have had enough.”

“One more will not hurt, I’m driving.”

“Okay thanks it will help with my digestion of the huge burger and the sundae.”

Frank got another one from Ed. I drank it slowly enjoying the buzz and felling the breeze from the Ocean. Frank was talking about fishing with Ed. I was trying to follow the conversation but could not keep up. My cheeks were numb, my tongue felt swollen. I could not feel my feet. I looked at Frank and said, “I’m druch, I thichs ish time tos gosh home.” Frank was very fussy I could feel my head drooping. I heard Frank tell Ed he should take me home now.

“Okay Beth stand up.” I tried but could not. “ Helpps me Franch.”

I could feel his arms around me helping me up. “ Thanh Frank, Grach brgersh Ed.” I was leaning heavily on Frank so not to fall. We made it to the car. He poured me in the front seat and headed home.

Wow she really got hammered. That was exciting. I hope she keeps it up. She looked good in that red dress. She must have put on 10 pounds.

When I woke up early Sunday morning I was wearing bra and panties. Got up put my robe on and walked out to the living room. Frank was still there – vaguely I remembered asking him to stay.

“Hi beautiful,, he said. “You sure snore when you are drunk. When we got home I tried to wake you, gave up and carried you in to the house. Took your dress off and put you in bed. It was no easy task getting that dress off over your hips. Then you asked me to stay until you woke up”

I said, “These little things, I want sex with you know.”

Frank said, “Yes mama.”

We were lying in bed after having a great time and I said, “Frank I’m hungry. Can we go get something to eat.”

“Sure” Frank said, “I know a good champagne brunch a couple of blocks from here and it’s a buffet. We have to hurry or it will be over before we get there.”

I took a quick shower so did Frank. Jumped in his car made in plenty of time to spare. Got our table ant hit the buffet. It served Mexican food. I saw a man making omelets for the patrons. There was nobody in line so I ordered three different types. I got back to the table, no Frank yet. I sat down and started eating. A waitress came by with champagne. She asked if I would like some. I held out my glass, she filled it up handed it back.

I drank it straight down handed my glass back to her to fill it again. We did that three times. She filled the glass again I put the glass down and said thanks. Then held the glass for Frank. I was really digging in when Frank got back. He said, “ that looks good.”

I kept on eating until they were gone. Then got up to see what else they had. There were six different kids of desserts. Tipsy, I got some of all of them and went back to my seat. They were all great especially the fried ice dream. I went back for seconds and thirds for that.

I was very full and still tipsy. Frank dropped me off and headed off to do some errands, but not before giving me a kiss. I can’t wait till Monday lunch.


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