I truly wish I could understand myself and other people better. (Especially myself.)
Okay - I'll come out and say it, here I am on a board that glorifies the overweight and actually has sections dedicated to the gaining of weight all while my life mate has problems with anorexia. Not severe problems mind you - I'd call it a mild case of.
Beingas I'm straight, I'm only attracted to women: well proportioned women. I believe that it's not the weight that makes a woman attractive, it's how she carries it. Thus I think *some* overweight women are attractive, just as I find *some* average women attractive. There are hotties and gross people of every body type.
But this gets even stranger. The crazy part is that I don't think I've ever found a woman who truly was classified with anorexia attractive. Remember I said my life mate has TROUBLE WITH anorexia. Thus she is quite thin for a woman of her body type. Lindsey Lohan was okay - then she dropped too much weight.
Paris Hilton? *shudders* I thought Brittany Spears looked better pregnant.
So there is the irony. Here I am on this board reading (and enjoying) erotic feeder/feedee fiction, living vicariously through some of the posts and all the while attached to a person who would never do things in real life. Isn't that bizarre?
Thus as you can imagine, I have quite a bit of guilt mixed with a lot of confusion. Am I a horrible person for thinking about things that can never happen? Am I horrible for the impulses that I feel? Is it wrong to be attracted to certain things and people?
Our media is constantly bombarding us with an imagine of beauty - which is fine. From what I've seen, most people really do find these images attractive. Most of the men I know find Lohan and Hilton annoying, but would date/sleep with them if they had the chance. So I guess on a certain level, I'm at least nicer than a lot of guys I know. And maybe more honest - even if that honest conclusion leads me to an equivocation, an oxymoron or a strange war of my drives.
Before you ask, yes my life mate knows all of the above. In fact, I told her that I was going to write something like this and she was curious to see what I would say.
And I myself, am curious to see what you guys think...
Okay - I'll come out and say it, here I am on a board that glorifies the overweight and actually has sections dedicated to the gaining of weight all while my life mate has problems with anorexia. Not severe problems mind you - I'd call it a mild case of.
Beingas I'm straight, I'm only attracted to women: well proportioned women. I believe that it's not the weight that makes a woman attractive, it's how she carries it. Thus I think *some* overweight women are attractive, just as I find *some* average women attractive. There are hotties and gross people of every body type.
But this gets even stranger. The crazy part is that I don't think I've ever found a woman who truly was classified with anorexia attractive. Remember I said my life mate has TROUBLE WITH anorexia. Thus she is quite thin for a woman of her body type. Lindsey Lohan was okay - then she dropped too much weight.
So there is the irony. Here I am on this board reading (and enjoying) erotic feeder/feedee fiction, living vicariously through some of the posts and all the while attached to a person who would never do things in real life. Isn't that bizarre?
Thus as you can imagine, I have quite a bit of guilt mixed with a lot of confusion. Am I a horrible person for thinking about things that can never happen? Am I horrible for the impulses that I feel? Is it wrong to be attracted to certain things and people?
Our media is constantly bombarding us with an imagine of beauty - which is fine. From what I've seen, most people really do find these images attractive. Most of the men I know find Lohan and Hilton annoying, but would date/sleep with them if they had the chance. So I guess on a certain level, I'm at least nicer than a lot of guys I know. And maybe more honest - even if that honest conclusion leads me to an equivocation, an oxymoron or a strange war of my drives.
Before you ask, yes my life mate knows all of the above. In fact, I told her that I was going to write something like this and she was curious to see what I would say.
And I myself, am curious to see what you guys think...