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Untamed Woman...
Apr 10, 2008
This is an honest discourse, but we were on the verge of derailing the BBW Confessions board... let this continue here.

This is a deep post because I know most everyone on here hates me. It hurts trying to connect with your fellow BBW sisters and they dislike you. And I'm going to write it here since this seems to be the most intimate board on the site. People call me a troll, but I am not.

During the days, I feel so great and happy-I live my life, tutor kids in school, take classes, spend time with my love. But at night I feel dark, insecure and gloomy. I have made some accomplishments in my life, but sometimes I feel worthless and dislike myself. I hate myself sometimes for being a jerk online. After I let it out, I feel depressed again. I just want everyone to have support for me. I'm learning to control being upset and sometimes I take my frustrations online and offline I am more quiet and nice. I know I may say harsh words but it is really nothing personal and I never mean it. I want to apologize for offending anyone. I'm still working on fully loving myself at 26.

Congrats Ella!!

Hope you feel better soon Ditzy.

Sorry Lulu but being friends does not work no matter how hard you try,hugsss..

HappyFace,number one do away with the bold large fonts..No one can really read it when it is that big and bold,plus no more colors please..If you know that you are being a jerk online then I would suggest stop being one..Number two and this one might be the hardest one(I imagine I will get flack for it),stop using race as a way to answer something..We here have gone through the wringer,it doesn't matter the color of our skin,what matters is that we come here to join in camaraderie and discuss how we feel about how the outside world perceives us..We come to discuss life in general and how we deal with it..We all want to join in the sisterhood and be good to one another..Number three,if you know you are being harsh then it is time to walk away from the comp screen and do something else until you either calm down or can say things in a constructive way..I don't think you are a troll personally..I think you are someone craving attention so much that you are going about it the wrong way to get the attention you seek..It seems to me that you are trying to be harsh so someone,anyone will notice and answer you..That is just the way I see it..I am sorry if it upsets you and I do not mean it to..I just think you need to step back and take a long look at somethings...

Thank you. I live in a surburban area and I feel that being mixed race/dark skinned people look down upon me. I feel people judge me on what they see on BET and stereotypes of dark-skinned people. I'm working on shedding that thinking.

I feel that if we talk about sexual orietation no one gets defensive. But when I bring up racial issues, some people jump and become defensive. Why is that? The same male poster who started a thread about sexual orientation, became angry and insulting towards me because I put up a post about race relations. What sense does that make?

When I first joined this site, I was a pretty, calm poster wanting to connect with other BBWs until I said something from the bottom of my heart of what I think about a certain subject and two females jumped at me. It was throughout that I started becoming more angry at this board because people were jumping at me for every little thing, no matter how innocent, they think I have a double meaning. I find that this board isn't a very welcoming place.

I noticed too, that people responded more to a 'negative' post. When I'm just being funny and sweet, no one says anything. So I'm branded a negative poster because they see what they want to see.

If I say something that is considered 'negative', and someone jumps at me for it, that makes me even angrier. That tag team match and insulting just makes me madder. When people come at you with pitched forks, I draw my claws in defense. And these women know who they are, that was pretty catty of them. What does it solve insulting and attacking me for an opinion? That doesn't help matters.

But thank you for your support, I'm trying to work on having a happier outlook on the boards. It's a work in progress..........

I'm not sure why people should get defensive when talking about sexual orientation and i don't see the comparison!?. Anyway, there was a thread in hydepark a while ago and we talked all about racism. There was no defence or anger just discussion. Though, if you attack people (regardless of race) they will be defensive (regardless of what you are talking about).
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