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How many here were fat or obese as kids?

Dimensions Magazine

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Larry G

Active Member
Jul 24, 2007
Recently, going through the posts, I've realized there seems to be quite a distinction, a wide gap actually between those of us who were fat kids and those who became fat or obese later in life.

For myself, I was a fat child, slightly larger than average as a baby, had a belly as a toddler, my parents had to hold my belly up so that I could crawl, when I was around 5 or 6 I was "normal" meaning, probably overweight, but not noticeably so. When I was 7, I started to put on weight, had a small belly weighed 78 lbs. Compared to a lot of today's kids, I was actually pretty darn average. But when I grew up, that I was the odd one out, THAT'S when the dieting started, and it's been a battle ever since.

At 6th grade the weight (and taunting) continued to pile on, until by the time I was in 8th grade I hit the 200s (lbs). Then a series of traumatic events hit me and I gained almost 100 lbs in a year! Stayed in that range, until college when I hit my highest weight at around 448 lbs.

After that I had a health scare and dumped almost 200 lbs (cutting calories very drastically after numerous failed attempts otherwise), and now weigh basically what I did when I was 13, in the mid-200's range. That's actually pretty trippy. When I'm on the low end of my range because of my height (I'm 6 ft tall), some people tell me I should put on weight (!?) and had girls tell me they wished they were as "skinny as me" (wtf?). Basically that says more about America now than anything.

So anyway, that was a tangent. I'm wondering how many others here were "fat kids". To me there's never been a day in my life that I've known any different, and so to me it's a basic human rights issue, it is no "lifestyle choice". My parents fed me balanced meals. However, genetics play a role, most of my family is overweight or obese, but some aren't, and sometimes that actually kicks in, it's weird. I've always had to deal with a slumbering metabolism and had to eat like a bird to maintain or lose and watch others eat whatever they wanted to. I never had that lightening fast version, then seen it "slow down" as I get older.

As for my preferences, I like women who are a bit curvy, well all types really. I do prefer muscularly curvy. So there ya go.

So, what say you? Where you a fat kid? I'd like to know your thoughts on this.


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