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How soon we forget... Or, Old Dimples and New Folds

Dimensions Magazine

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Emeritus SSBBW
Oct 8, 2005
Well, I finally made it, I think. If this post shows up, anyway. I was reading the thread about wanting to rate the women, and I was reminded of the last big rating schism when all the women had to run off to the guerilla training grounds or wherever that was to hide out while we ate nutella and got massages until the ratings stopped. :)

But the thing that got me to finally spend the night here figuring out how to get this thing to post was the fact that my name wasn't even mentioned in any of the lists! How soon we forget. ;) I do think I have a few nice dimples and folds... Ned has even said so!

I have some new Neil Osbourn photographs (copyrighted, 2005), and my avatar is one of them, though it doesn't come out so well there, I don't think. The others all have too large file sizes, and I don't know how to resize them, so I'll have to wait until I can get some help to pare them down for this forum.

I'll make it an attachment at another time so you can see it better, but for now, I need to remind Fatlane that the back dimple is not and has never been elusive. It has always been right here in this photograph, along with my elbow dimples and assorted folds. ;)

It's good to finally make it here.

View attachment nakedback72.jpg