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How the fashion industry distorts images of beauty.

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005

It is amazing how the fashion industry distorts the image of what is beautiful. Often the models look nothing like the finished picture printed in the magazine or when viewed in the ad on TV. Here are two sites which dramatically show how a picture of a model is modified (distorted?) to make it acceptable for publication in a fashion magazine. Why couldn't they use the before picture unmodified? In both cases I liked the before picture of the model before much better than the after.

The first example is from a Swedish site using a fourteen year old model.

(click on the Retouch website link once you reach their page.)

The second example is much more dramatic. If you saw this model standing under her picture on a billboard you may not even know it is her. This short film is taken from the Dove site Campaign for Real Beauty.


It is awful how the fashion industry distorts our images of what is beautiful in women! :(:mad: This is very sad in as I recently read in our local newspapper that some fashion models have fainted on the runway, one suffering heart failure, from being so underweight. :mad:

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