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How to avoid getting swamped with new threads...

Dimensions Magazine

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Starting Arvist
Sep 30, 2005
Some helpful tips for people put off by heading out for a few hours and coming back to find 679 entries in the "New Posts" list.

1. Quit clicking on "new posts". Unless you want something from the last 20 minutes or so, it'll be 2-87 pages of links. You can't digest all that at once.

2. Go to the main page and click on the forum you want to check new threads in. You probably don't want to check for new posts in Hyde Park, which is where about 598 of the 679 entries are. Of the remaining new posts, 64 are in the Plus-Size Paysite and Stories forums. That leaves a manageable amount of other threads in the Lounge, Main Board, Events, Foodee, Fashion, WLS, and Clubhouse boards.

3. Use a browser that supports tabbing and open each new thread/new post in its own tab. I like to use the link for the last post entered on each thread and scroll up from there to where I last read something.

4. If you've got your reading done for the while and there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity in the places you like going, then look under "Quick Links" and take the "Mark All Posts as Read" link to clean the slate for this session.

5. If you go into Hyde Park, you will be swamped with new threads. You have been warned. :D

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