Well-Known Member
It has been years since my last post, I and my wife, both keep my weight which is a part of our private relationship private, but I have reached weight goal that I wished to share with those who followed me before I got married and stop posting account of that, both i and my wife are both excited that I have got up to 630 lb or 45 stone. That is 13 stone more that the time I got married, so she is a great support and feeder. It has a trial at times being thus size, but we are both enjoying it at this time, even st my age, I am still mobile if very slow, my knees are not great, nor is my back from time to time , so that is the price, however my other risk factors are good at the moment. So not sure what is the next step, up or down, but given my love of food, and her love if feeding me, I guess up, but we have both agree that no more than 50-6o stone range or if I can not get around ect....., any hello to all how liked my posts in the past, I hope you are all well, and have found your special BHM.