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I don't know how to word this...

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In Rememberance
Sep 29, 2005
I just read the *I confess* thread here and I see that a few people were angry with me for the "She's Nuts" thread I started here. First off I am sorry if anyone got upset by what I said.

I thought this was the place for that kind of thread - since it has been done here more than a few times. And I don't recall any of the posts being taken to task - except when I asked people to take a step back from the "Debbie Downer" threads. And I also know things are done behind the scenes here too - so it may be that I just don't know about it.

So I'm just gonna say I don't really care all that much what others think of what I post. I did not think I posted out of line as others have done the same. But if something I posted bothered anyone - I regret that.

If you had dealt with what I have dealt with from this person or another - you might understand - and maybe not.

But I just got home from a wonderful weekend with my husband and I'm not going to ruin that mood because of a post on a web board.

Some times you just gotta say "What the fuck!"

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