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I feel like throwing up.

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Pleasantly abstruse.
Oct 5, 2007
East Central Illinois, USA
The US media is giving me a stomach turn today. So this Knox girl got sprung from Italian jail. That's cool for her and her family. I get that it's worthy of mention. But why is it breaking news? Why is the crying American white girl such a big story that CNN devotes hours of coverage to it?

Why is the new iPad more news worthy than a vehicle borne IED exploding at an Afghan army base (which happened today, but you wouldn't know by watching the news).

Why are we so wrapped up in bread and circuses that we can't see our nation is becoming a shit hole?

I understand how Lara feels when she fantasizes about most of the human race going away. We're a pathetic species, full of greed and spite. The media caters to our lowest base desires, and we don't care enough to look past it.

We're not supposed to be a "third world country," but taking a look at parts of the US you couldn't be blamed for thinking differently. Where did we go wrong? GREED.

People were once content with having a little bit more the "greatest generation" comes to mind. But future generations weren't content with that, we wanted a lot more. We wanted everything bigger and better and cheaper. We destroyed american made businesses in the race to find cheap, cheap, cheap. We wanted everything fast, so food companies made convenience foods and we gave big subsidies to farmers to provide them, and pretty much destoryed small farms who didnt play along. Million acre farms and ranches drove prices down. We became a country of bloated excess, and now we are out of money. It's like we charged all of this on the US credit card, and now the payment is past due and we cant pay it.

We mortgaged our future to satisfy the selfish desires of today. Well, the future is here. It's knocking on our door with one hell of a bill for the thirty year long bender we've been on. What have we got to show for it? Crumbling transportation infrastructure. A 19th century electrical grid trying to accommodate the demands of a 21st century electric load. Airports that wouldn't look out of place in Haiti. Starvation, homelessness, and stubbornly high unemployment. Individuals have no value. People are a resource to be managed. That dehumanizing mindset allows the tragic displacement of the poor. It's fine to demonize those who go asking for help, because they are less than human. Your worth is not based on what you are, it's based on what you can provide. If you can't be worked to death, what good are you? No damn good at all.

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