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I hate mankind right now

Dimensions Magazine

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Les Toil

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
I'm sobbing like a baby right now. I haven't cried like this in a long time. I've seen footage of chickens living in squalor waiting to be slaughtered for my greedy belly before, but I've never seen such footage of these so-called farmers kicking, beating with metal rods, and allowing chickens, turkeys, pig and cows to die a slow, painful and horrendous death. Animals packed in a small space walking over other animals that have died of heart attacks from being pumped with outrageous amounts of hormones and grossly overfed. Men throwing live chickens with all their might into small wooden crates just for the amusement of it.

This is a video that demands to be seen although I assume most of you will choose to bypass such an atrocity out of concern it will "ruin your day". But I'm posting it here anyway.


Not only do I want to know how I can help put an end to such unspeakable treatment to the animals we will eventually consume, but I also want to know what inspires men to be so unthinkably cruel to another innocent living creature. I sure as shit wish there was a way to extract at birth that hunger for violence which exists in the male brain.

I hate mankind right now, but more so, I hate myself for being so carnivorous.

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