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I Hate My Twin V - by Zarbon (~BBW (Multiple), Eating, ~XWG )

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (Multiple), Eating, ~XWG - after high school the girls go their ways

I Hate My Twin - Part V
By Zarbon

Ckick here for prior installment)

The next week went well for Jenny; she had started to coax Eve back down to eat with her. Four out of the seven days wasn't bad, she told herself, and on each of these days, Eve and Jenny both stuffed themselves to the max. But Jenny was always forced to go that little bit further, leaving herself well and truly stuffed after their binges.

On the last day of the week, after one very large binge, Eve looked down at her belly and found it was at its maximum again. She had gained back all the weight she had lost. She told herself she needed to get out of the house and leave Jenny at home to leave her wallowing in her own self pity and get even fatter.

She planned on laving home in September, nine weeks away as she was heading off to Oxford University. As she had already been accepted, Eve decided to beef up her CV and maybe do some voluntary work somewhere. This would make her look better at Oxford, gain some work experience and get away from the fatty food temptations bought on by Jenny and her constant binges.

One week later, Eve had found a job at the large computer shop in town. It made sense as she was going to study computers as her major at Oxford. She was going to work the next day, so Jenny had organised one last binge with her sister and Eve accepted. At this point, Eve weighed 183 lbs and reached a new time high, but felt no fatter then before - which was something Jenny couldn't say. She had swollen up to 249 lbs of pure fat. Her thighs had broadened and spread outwards when she sat so much that her legs were forced apart.

She could no longer cross her legs due to their diameter, but she hadn't really tried in a long time, anyway. Her hips swelled outwards, meaning she took up more of the sofa and her rut was growing daily. Jenny's tits had now expanded up to a D cup, which meant she swelled out of her bras and her back fat was being sliced up by the tight straps. Her face grew rounder and an extra chin grew, making her look even fatter.

Jenny's ass shot outward, growing a lot from her weight gain as she was spending most of her time on it. All of her arse and thighs were covered with deep cellulite, which Jenny now had stores of in abundance. Jenny's belly hadn't failed to grow as her roll cascaded outwards in all directions and her two large rolls formed one massive roll of fat surrounding her middle. With her weight gain, Jenny found her clothes once again didn't fit her. She was now only wearing her sweats again, and they, as usual, didn't fit around her biggest asset, her titanic gut. It was constantly hanging out and causing her discomfort.

“Jenny, do you have anything else to wear?” asked her mom, spotting her daughter trying to find room in her sweats for her belly after a very big breakfast.

“I don't think so, mom. My sweats are my biggest outfit; they feel the best on me,” said Jenny, still rubbing her belly.

“Well, that's not strictly true,” said Eve, who too was stuffing herself on a big breakfast as part of her last day with Jenny.

“What do you mean, Eve?” asked Jenny, looking very quizzical.

“Well. I bought you a bikini when I last shopped. But they didn't have your size so I got you one two sizes bigger. I thought we could go swimming, but you said you didn't want to,” said Eve evilly as her plan came to form.

Jenny stared back and bit into a last slice of toast. “Really. Thanks, Eve, that's great. Can you fetch it for me?” she asked her mom.

Her mom came back shortly with a black bikini, which could have fitted Eve, Jenny and their mom all together before any weight was gained. Jenny then was helped up and went to change. She felt good to be out of her sweats as her body popped back out. She rubbed the marks her clothes left before putting on her bikini. The top felt good and held her new D cups. Next were the bottoms; they went up her blubbery thighs, making her whole fat body wobble. Jenny found to her joy they went up easier then her sweats and reached her hips with relative ease. They were not the best fit ever but a vast improvement from her sweats. She then went out to face her family in the lounge.

She waddled in and saw the shock on their faces as her body wobbled for a few more seconds after she stopped. Her fat, saggy flesh spewed out forming folds and rolls all over the place. She was covered with stretch marks, dimples and cellulite

“Oh, my word,” said her mom.

Eve burst out laughing, and her dad turned his face away from his daughter. Jenny felt so embarrassed and ran off upstairs, wobbling even more then Eve imagined possible.

“Oh, my word." repeated her Mom. "I feel bad for sreacting that way.”

“Leave it to me,” said Eve.

“Okay, Eve, just be nice,” said their mom as both parents left off for work

Eve didn't console her sister; she just shouted that everybody was going out so she could come out of her room. Eve got some cash and headed out. She went off on her own to the cinema; she wanted to see a few films and decided to go on a movie marathon. On the way to the bus stop, she decided to skip it and walked off to town as it would be some exercise and it would leave Jenny on her own for even longer.

Jenny soon came out of her room and checked that everybody had gone. She was still in her bikini, but now she was alone so it was okay. She went and watched some TV. Then before she knew it she had commenced the binge she had lined for her sister and herself.

She wandered to the kitchen and sat down in front of the fridge. She decided to start eating but got some things before she started. She pulled out ice cream from the freezer and half of the contents of the cupboards and piled them all around her. She grabbed a cushion from the couch and sat on it as she began eating her food fortress from the inside out.

The hours rolled on, and Jenny consumed what seemed to be her own body weight in food. The empty pile grew when she threw empty food packaging behind her, out of the way of her binge. All sorts of food passed her lips and, using just one big spoon, she managed to eat everything. She mainly used her hands, but for such things like ice cream the spoon was used. As it turned to night time and nobody was back, Jenny's only source of light was from the fridge as it still remained open to shine on her fat or and create shadows in all of the folds that covered her body.

As it hit 9:30, Jenny was truly stuffed. The fridge was too big for her stomach, so after eating for hours on end she now gave up and lay back on the pile of empties, which gave her some support while she lay there, rubbing her stomach and recovering from her binge. Her bikini couldn't be seen as it had disappeared into her soft hips, making even more folds. Her belly stretched the bottoms, and she felt an all-too-familiar tight pain across her vast stomach.

An hour later, she decided she had better get up before she was spotted. She rolled over to her side and hauled her vast body up with great difficulty. She then turned on the kitchen light and cleaned up all her empties, which turned out to fill an entire black bin bag to the top and then some. She put it with the others and headed up to her room to hide herself from her family.

Within five minutes of getting under her covers and removing her bikini bottom, her sister came home after watching four whole movies at the cinema, one right after the other. She'd only indulged in a few snacks - the equivalence of food Jenny ate in about 10 minutes - over the whole marathon.

She came in and looked for a little something to eat and saw how empty the fridge looked, Eve smiled when she saw the extra full bin bag in the corner and knew what had gone on. She decided to turn in as it was work tomorrow, and she had to be in for 9 am. Eve changed and was about to go to bed when she heard snores and couldn't resist. She grabbed four bars of lard and crept into Jenny's room. Since her weight gain Jenny had grew more slothful and was harder to wake, which was good for Eve as she popped the lard into Jenny's fat mouth. Thirty minutes later, it was all gone inside Jenny, and Eve went to bed, even happier about her sister's binge.

Eve woke up nice and early for work. She got into her new uniform and felt a little down about having such a big uniform but then felt great again when she heard Jenny's snores from her room. Eve made a small, simple breakfast and headed off before Jenny had even woken.

Both parents left again before Jenny came out of her room, and, when she got up at 10:00 am, she was glad to be on her own as she could go around in her bikini, her largest outfit. Jenny walked around the house a little, wanting to delay the inevitable breakfast, which would last a very long time. She spotted the curtains were open and closed the ones at the front of the house to hide herself away from the world.

Jenny had grown more secluded with her weight gain and now almost feared the company of strangers who would judge her on her present form as apposed to her old, slim form. Jenny went to the back of the house and saw the sun was streaming through the blinds. It was now summer, which used to be Jenny's favourite season of the year, as the warm weather was an excuse to wear revealing clothing all the time while out with her friends. Now she had lost her friends and the will to go out and show herself off. Jenny decided to go outside for a while as she was getting cabin fever and needed some change in environment. The garden was the best she would get.

She slid out of the back door still in her bikini and looked for any nearby neighbours who could see her. When she couldn't hear or see any, she came fully out and closed the door behind her. Jenny then walked up her garden as she came out of the shadow of a tree and into the sun. Its warmth on her exposed body felt good and familiar from the old days as her once tanned skin now looked pale and pasty.

Jenny decided to do a little sunbathing and plopped herself onto a sun lounger. As she carefully lowered her weight, she heard the wooden hinges groan and creek, but after her arse was properly on, she rested her whole body. The lounger remained up, although it was buckling in the middle and her fat hung off the edges of the single bed by several inches on each side. She hung off so much Jenny couldn't move an inch on the bed and felt rather uncomfortable. The cushioning didn't do much for her 250 lbs body, which was resting fully on the wooden frame. Jenny decided to make some alterations and got up to sort things out.

She pulled another lounger next to her original one and took all the so-called padding off the other three loungers and placed it all on the ones she was laying on. Jenny lowered herself onto the loungers. They creaked less, to her delight, and she didn't hang off the edges. Jenny sat there for a few hours before she got too hot. Her blubber insulated her body, and she reached her max very quickly; she also grew hungry as she hadn't eaten for over 12 hours, and her stomach was making some very loud sounds. She got up, looked down at her bright red body and guessed that gaining weight made you burn easier.

Jenny walked over to the back door and couldn't open it. She tried a few times before putting her weight into it, but under her weight the doorframe made a cracking noise so Jenny decided not to do that again. She guessed that the door must have a new lock and couldn't think of a way to get in, as she didn't have keys in her bikini. She saw all the windows were closed, then she spotted the small basement window was cracked open. She reached down and opened it fully and saw an 80 cm by 30 cm window into her house. The only other option was going to the front of the house and getting the key from under the mat and going in.

She lay on her back and wiggled toward the window. Her calves slid in nicely, then it grew tighter around her thighs. Jenny's belly rested on her thighs, and she knew there was no way she could possibly get herself through the tight window, which she used to use frequently as a means to sneak in late at night. She heaved herself to her feet and prepared to go around the front. The gate was a total distance of 20 metres from the front door. Jenny thought about whether the key was still under the mat and got ready to go. She peered through the gate and saw a few kids playing on the lawn over the road so she waited for a few minutes. Jenny pulled herself together, burst though the gate and ran out sending a huge wave of fat over her body, which gyrated dramatically as she wobbled to the door.

It took what seemed like hours and actually took a lot logger then a normal person running, as their thighs don't make them waddle like Jenny had to. When she got there, she bent right down and could hear people's reactions from their lawns and passersby, as it appeared more people were in view of the door then the gate. She finally found the key and forced it into the lock and turned it but found it wouldn't budge. It appeared the family had bought new locks for the whole house; at this point, Jenny remembered a few weeks ago during a binge her mom giving her a new key and putting it on the TV, but she hadn't had the need to use it.

She stood there in view of everybody, and all she could hear was her stomach as she hadn't eaten for a very long time. Jenny retreated back to the garden and rested on the floor with her back against the house wall. She was really embarrassed as lots of the neighbours saw her and clearly recognised her. Jenny looked for another way back in. The garage was locked, and Jenny had no real options. She started sweating from all the running and the strong heat. When added to the rolls of blubber and the stress from not eating, you were left with one hot, fat girl. Jenny took refuge under the tree, but the midday sun beamed through the few leaves of the tree and didn't make much difference.

By 3 pm Jenny was bright red, sweating profusely and gasping for a drink or any kind of food. She could no longer think clearly. It was now slightly cooler, but there was no shade under the tree as the sun was around the back of the house. The only real shade was around the front, but she couldn't go into the public eye, could she?

After another hour, Jenny was almost passing out. She was sweating gobs, and her eyes ran with the heat and hunger. Jenny heaved herself up and went around the front; she didn't care about the people and lay down on the cool grass in the shade of her house. Jenny felt much better and drifted off as passersby stared and neighbours watched, disgusted at the girl who used to be so thin. She lay on the grass and cooled down until 5 pm. Jenny then headed around to the back again as she was cooler and felt she could wait there for someone to get home.

Eve finished work at 5:00 and arrived at home at 5:30. She walked in and felt tired after a hard day at work. She looked for Jenny but couldn't find her, so looked in the kitchen and saw no food had been eaten. She got a little curious and walked about the house, calling for Jenny. Jenny in the garden heard the calls and banged on the back door. Eve heard the bangs and let Jenny in. She thanked her and wobbled to the kitchen. Eve followed, a little curious as Jenny stood in front of the fridge, her body sunburned and her stomach growling very loudly. Jenny pulled out two pints of whole milk and stood there and downed it all in 15 seconds. She then pulled out a bottle of Coke and downed that before getting another Coke and taking three big chugs.

“That's better,” said Jenny, letting out a huge belch.

“Why were you outside and why are you all burnt?”

“Well, I went out to do a little sunbathing, but, when I tried to get in, the door was locked, so I went around the front and it was locked, too. I had to wait in the garden for somebody to come home.”

“You went out the front in your bikini?”

“I had no choice. I was burning. Do we have any more milk?” asked Jenny, looking for something else to quench her thirst

“I think there is some in the back of the fridge,” said Eve, watching her sister go for more drinks.

She pulled her head out with another carton and opened it up and started drinking at a more normal pace. Jenny then pulled out loads of food, all of the fridge and more.

“I am starving; I haven't eaten all day.” said Jenny, hauling her food to the lounge.

Jenny dropped off the food and waddled upstairs. She went to the bathroom and jumped into a cold shower. She stayed under the soothing cold water for 10 minutes before she had cooled right down again and had started to shiver. She again put on her bikini and dried herself off and started eating. She sat on the couch with a serious look on her face. Jenny didn't offer any food to Eve and even took food off her as she tried to snack because she too was hungry from not eating much at work. Jenny ate as fast as possible and she soon finished off all the food.

“God, I'm still hungry,” she said after gulping down the last of the Coke.

“How about I go to the chippy?”

“Yeah, that will be great. Just get me more then usual to make up for what I missed out on today,” requested Jenny.


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