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I may be driven to sue, it seems.

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sweet chocolate christ
Mar 30, 2006
Okay, so I'm probably going to have to sue my university (SUNY Buffalo).


Because, it seems, they are refusing to accomodate me. Last semester (well, the problems really started before that, but they were mild compared to the more recent ones), I had a class in a room with those desk/chair combo things schools are so fond of using. Now, I can sit in one of those things for 45 or 50 minutes, but after that it becomes uncomfortable beyond belief. In fact, towards the end of a standard class period (50 minutes), I'm so uncomfortable that I can't really concentrate in class. Tuesday/Thursday and Monday/Wednesday classes are 90 minutes long. Last semester, I had a linguistics class on Tuesdays and Thursdays in a classroom filled with those desk units. On the first day of class, I had to leave early because I was simply too uncomfortable to bear it any longer. My mother works at the uni, so I called her and explained my problem. She told me to go see the
disabilities (I resent the connotation, but that's the only place that even remotely fits the bill) people while she called her contacts in facilities. So, I went to disabilities, where they told me that basically I wasn't their problem. They recommended the student advocates, so I went over there. While they were nice, they ultimately failed to get anything done. So, my mother got the facilities guys to get a table in there, somehow. The facilities guy put it IN THE FRONT ROW, FACING THE WALL AWAY FROM THE PROFESSOR. I was so upset at this, that I ended up having to call my mother again. She got a guy from facilities to meet with me in the hall. He basically blew me off, saying tables take too much room and whatever, but that he'd move the table tonight. This worked for a week. Then, one day, I walk in...and there's this tiny chair with arm rests. What am I gonna do with that? By now, it's the 6th week of classes (out of 15, might I add), and I've attended all of three classes (and failed the first test). Well, this went on for a while, the tango with facilities, and then my mother and I ended up in the presidential office suite with some people from student equity. They agreed to give us a full refund and erase all evidence of the class from my record. They also gave me a supposed "contact" for future problems.

Through all this stress, I ended up having to drop another class I fell behind in. After that, I was down to eight credit hours. Two classes. I was humiliated.

Fast forward to today, three days before the start of the new semester. My mother and I went to all my scheduled classrooms to inspect seating. Three were problematic. We e-mailed the contact, explaining the situation, and requested that either the rear row of desks be replaced with tables and chairs or that the room be changed to a room that has tables and chairs. Rooms are changed all the time. She waited until now to grace us with a response:

"It is my understanding that the university facilities will try to be
helpful in these situations when they have the equipment, but they are
not obligated to do so. The way to ensure appropriate accommodations
would be to go through the Disability Services office. As I recall,
your daughter is resistant to that. I can certainly understand her
feelings. Another option is to contact Health Services if she feels
that she requires an accommodation for health reasons.

I am happy to call facilities customer service to see if we can provide
a table and chair but I am pretty sure that the options you suggest
would not be feasible."

Basically, I'm being blown off by the contact I worked for almost half a semester to line up. It's basically come down to the fact that I may sue if she refuses to do what she agreed to. I feel like the university is denying me my education based on something that is no fault of mine. I will never graduate if this keeps happening. I decided to bring this up here because it just seemed appropriate. I'm so sick and angry over this, and suddenly the start of the semester has become so much scarier.

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