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I miss my wifes added curves and weight!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
Several years back, my wife and I had 3 wonderful babies one right after the other and her 5' 3" or so slightly curvy figure filled out beautifully in all proportions (somewhat of a pear figure wide hips, love handles, large thighs, large lower belly roll with very large breasts and narrower shoulders.) I finally had my dream of my very attractive once workout queen wife softening and fattening up for good I hoped.

She went from 125 lbs. to 180 + lbs. after the birth of our third child and extremely slowly shedded more lbs. in the first year and a half after her last delivery. Even when she went back to the gym she really did not lose the weight easily so she stopped working out so aggressively and stayed around 165 + lbs. close to two years after the last delivery. Which I was fully content with.

She knows how much I love her with a fuller figure but for some reason society makes her mind up and she thinks I am crazy to like her "Horribly FAT" as she calls it. Little does she know I would love to see her 200 + lbs. or way more even though I know that would never happen. She continued to slowly lose weight and obviously got applause from her friends and everyone even though our sex life definitely was'nt the same. (She was much more passionate and sexual with her extra weight as well as I was with her weight too! Even though she was embarrased about her fatter figure in front of her friends, she was not shy with with her added lbs. in the bedroom. It seems she got most frusterated around me when she was heavier when she tried to fit into some jeans or a skirt and would get totally frusterated and it would turn into and evil mood. )

She finally got down to 135 lbs. or so with me being very much bummed about it. I did not even know she weighed 135 lbs. untill I had her step on a scale (something I would not dare do when she was heavier for fear she would diet) at a hotel one night on vacation and she complained that she had gained weight. I was shocked, "she gained weight" and she was at 135 lbs. I went into a slight depression over this on the trip. I have voiced my opinions many times about how I would love for her to fill out her figure a little more than it currently is with out much success. She will gain 2-3 lbs. from eating more sweets and lack of some workouts and act totally disgusted because she has to squeeze into her jeans, where I am excited just to see the modest of gains these days.

We recently came home from back to back vacations 15 + days away and I have noticed she has certainly gained more than her 2-3 lbs. I would say she has almost gained a good 10 lbs. and she is looking so extremely breathtaking to me I can hardly keep my hands off of her new curves. I am so excited but at the same time concerned she will lose this weight over the next month and we will be back to the smaller very skinny in my eyes wife of mine.

I can't even imagine her losing this weight, I actually want her to be back at 165 lbs. at least. I am on a frusterating roller coaster of emotions over the last 4 years. I find myself dreaming of her gaining weight and instead it never happens, so I find myself looking at other full figured heavier women in public settings and wishing my wife would weigh as much as them.

Worse yet, I find myself being even more attracted to even heavier figured women compared to what I used to. She knows I like fuller figures on women but I believe she thinks of it as much slighter than actually is the case.
However I find women in the ssbbw range attractive which she probably think's I like women jsut a little fuller figured. I do however believe that if she was 165 lbs. I would be very excited and happy/ content.

How can I get her to not only keep this extra 10 lbs. but have her pack on 20+ more lbs. and love it maybe not as much as me but love it for me?
We are differant types of personalities, In a joking playfull conversation I have asked her to gain weight for a fuller figure and I would do anything she wanted me to (I lift weights and have a muscular football player build but not exactly a six pack for abs anymore.) "I asked her if she wanted me to get cut and lean up with full abs" for her if she gained weight for me, and she said I could stand to lose a little fat in my belly in a joking manner but she did not commit to anything. So over the next 2 months I leaned up and had my abs showing noticeably more and she actually seemed to lose a little bit of weight.

So what can I do to have my wife gain weight and stay on that path, because I feel it is starting to put a strain on my sexual desire for her. For example even with this extra 10 lbs. I can't take my hands or eyes off of her lately, I do feel if she ends up losing this weight she just gained I will be totally bummed and feel like I am missing out on having what I envision as a more fulfilling experience with my wife. I know this is all on me, but I crave the extra weight on her that was once there and I don't think I can ever let this go, I want her but I NEED her fatter!!!

I know many of you have been here and understand, so any helpful advice would be great! This is me I am built this way and I can't help but put myself in situations I hear and see all the time but only with my wife.
For example A friend from work's wife is continually gaining weight and look's great every time I see her she has put on more weight and he is constantly telling her she needs to lose weight and diet. The next time I see her she is bigger yet. (Why can't this be my wife?)

I can't tell you how amazing it was when my wife had her fuller figure. I was in a dream I was so fulfilled with her physically, sexually and mentally. She was more relaxed and happy seeming except for certain times when she had her fat moments.

I am rambling, so any good thoughts on how to have my wife fatten up and actually see thing's the way I do?

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