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I Said, "FAT IS GOOD!"

Dimensions Magazine

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Queen-Size Hottie!
Apr 14, 2007
I just returned from a fabric store I use to frequent quite often. I hadn't been there in awhile due to constraints on my time.

On the way out, I ran into one of the clerks I use to talk to all the time. I asked about her family in Africa and she asked about my boys of which I replied, "They are healthy and fat." Right after that I replied, "Fat is good!" For a very brief moment there, I shocked myself. One, for making such a comment and two...because I meant it! We both laughed. Her laugh was in agreeance, as she is a it chubby herself. Mine was because I was proud of myself.

I am growing more and more into accepting not only my large body, but other large bodies around me. This acceptance is showing in the the way I wear my clothes and the attitude I carry around with me.

Most of you know that I have a new beau now. And although a new Significant Other can make you feel special about yourself, I can't even give the credit of my new found acceptance to him. For it was the budding acceptance of myself that attracted him in the first place.

Fat IS good, don't you think?