Do you ever feel like you just aren't good enough? It's probably because you're not from Australia. Everything is better in Australia; the people, the products, the way they market products, the music, everything. So this thread is for all you people who wish they were from there, just for that little bit of entitlement and passive agressive superiority.
Please post your very best stories of when you felt inferior to someone from down under, or when you were rightfully chastized for not being from Australia by someone who is.
(and to all you New Zealanders: you're to Aussies what snorkeling is to scuba diving. Don't even try)
Please post your very best stories of when you felt inferior to someone from down under, or when you were rightfully chastized for not being from Australia by someone who is.
(and to all you New Zealanders: you're to Aussies what snorkeling is to scuba diving. Don't even try)