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I Wish You Would

Dimensions Magazine

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Dec 23, 2007
~BHM, Gay Sex,~~WG)[ - Gay couple decide the thinner partner should gain weight

I Wish You Would
by mindovermatter

Alex rested his hand on his boyfriend's bare midsection. It was a hot summer afternoon and they decided that it would be a nice idea to bath in the sun. The moment Alex placed his hand Matt moved it away. Intrigued, Alex did it again. And once more Matt move his hand. After the third attempt, Matt interlaced his fingers with Alex's and placed their hands on the cool grass beside them.

“Why do you keep moving my hand?” asked Alex, sitting up and looking at his lover. “Are you afraid that I'll mess up your tan or something?” That was a joke for Alex. Matt came from a Native American background with a little bit of German and French. So although he was a bit darker than most people, he did was pale in comparison to some of his relatives.

“No...” said Matt. “By the way, what time is it?”

“It's 2:31. Now answer my question.”

“I don't have to.” said Matt. “Hand me the sunblock. I don't want to get burnt.” Alex reached for the SPF 15 that was on the grass beside him. He squirted a large amount in the palm of his left hand. Alex quickly reached over and started rubbing Matt's midsection.

With that, Matt shot up. “Don't do that!” he said. He shook away Alex's hands and rubbed what lotion was on him along his torso.

“Okay, serious. I'm annoyed. Tell me why you don't like being touched there!”

“It's because...it's because...” started Matt. “It's because I feel fat...around you, that is.”

Alex was thrown off by this. He was expecting that Matt was sick or something. “What do you mean that you 'feel fat' around me?”

Matt did have a good reason to feel fat around his boyfriend. Although Matt wasn't chubby or obese, he did have a bit more flab than Alex. For a belly, he had a single large roll that flopped over the waistband of his shorts. His pectorals had some fat on them too. He didn't have moobs, but his chest was fairly soft. His arms had no definition, and his cheeks were a little more puffier than he wanted them to be. And his butt had some weight too, enough to give it a little jiggle when he walked. For his five foot nine inch tall body, he probably weighed around 170 pounds, give or take.

Alex, on the other hand, was quite skinny. There was not an ounce of fat on his torso. His stomach was trim with the slightest hint of six-pack abs. His chest was as flat as a board as well as his butt. His legs were scrawny and his arms were tiny as well. So in comparison to Alex, Matt looked like a beached-whale.

When Alex met Matt, the latter boy was a little thinner than he is now, roughly around twenty pounds. He was able to keep off the extra pounds with frequent trips to the gym. But when they began dating, Matt sacrificed gym-time with Alex-time. They would go out to eat or walk around in a park or drink coffee or simply hang out. As their relationship strengthen, Matt's weight increased, and that is how is he now.

“Whenever I'm next to you I feel bad.” explained Matt. “You're so skinny and I feel like a pig.”

“I make you feel that way?”

“Yes! You're so trim and fit!” Matt then ran a finger along Alex's slender side, which made him shiver. “That's why I don't like eating around you! I feel like I'm a fatass stuffing myself!”

“Oh, pssh...” replied Alex. “If you're fat, then I'm fat too.”

“Quit saying that! You're always saying that! But you're not fat! And whenever you say that, I do feel fat! And lazy! And a waste...”

“Oh...I don't want you to feel that way....” Alex came in and gave Matt a soft kiss. He then embraced him in a hug. “I'm only joking...”

“I wish you would gain, like, 35 pounds...then you would really be fat...” said Matt, who was still being hugged.

Alex pulled back for a moment. “Gain weight?” he asked. He thought about gaining weight in the past, but he decided against it. For one, it would take him forever to gain an ounce do to his high metabolism. The only way to do that would be for him to remain in bed and eat vast amounts of food, both he neither had the money or time to do.

“Yeah....” said Matt. “Haha...then you'd really be fat...” he smiled a little.

“If that's what you want, then okay!” Matt was a little taken back by his response. He didn't think Alex would take him seriously, let alone agree. But now that he thought about it, Alex would look good with some weight on his bone. Matt imagined his boyfriend's figure a bit softer. He saw a small beginner belly, soft pecs, filled-out cheeks, and a bubble butt. Matt was starting to get a little hard thinking about it, so he stopped himself.

“Really?” asked Matt, making sure he was serious.

“Yes! Besides, I'm tired of being a stick. Haha, maybe I'll be the fat one in the relationship!” That made both of them laugh.

“So where do we begin?” Matt questioned.

“I dunno. Food, I guess.” The two started walking back into Matt's house holding hands. “I tried to pack on some weight, but there was never enough food around.”

“Well, luckily for you my parents sent me lots of cash to buy food.” said Matt. Matt's parents were the kind of folks that would rather go broke than watch their child go without food, even for a little while. Both his mom and his dad were high-paid lawyers, so not only could they afford his food, but also his small home and college education. But Matt did not want to be the stereotypical spoiled child, so he got a job working at a local restaurant.

“Great!” said Alex. “We need to stretch out this belly!”

Matt laughed a little. “Can do.” When they got into the house, Alex went into Matt's living room and sat on his comfy couch. Matt went to his refrigerator. He pulled out a pan of fudge and what was left of a gallon of milk. He joined Alex in living room and sat next to him. Matt took a piece of fudge out of the pan. Alex opened his mouth and Matt popped it in.

“Mmm...” said Alex. “This tastes good! But what we really need to do is to slow down my metabolism. The way it's at now I will burn off all of this in an hour.”

“What do you think we do?”

“I dunno. I know I can't exercise at all. Maybe try and keep from moving?”

“What do you mean? Lay in bed all day?” asked Matt.

“Haha, yeah...” said Alex, finishing off all of the fudge and milk Matt had brought out. He then leaned in an kissed Matt. Between kisses he said “I lay in bed...all day...and you bring me food...LOTS of food...and I just eat...and eat...and get...FAT!” Matt was getting more and more turned on. He had to shift his shorts to hide his erection. But Alex could tell that his boyfriend was getting hot. “Come on, loverboy...” Alex took Matt by the hand and started pulling him into the kitchen. “The sooner the better...”

The couple went into the kitchen. Looking around, they found very little actual food to eat. “Sorry, I guess I haven't gotten around to going to the grocery store this week...” Matt apologized.

“Don't worry!” said Alex. He then pulled off a piece of paper with the number of a pizza joint nearby on it. “Pizza! I want lots of them!”

Matt saw the number. “You're a genius!” He then gave Alex a quick kiss on the cheek. Matt took his cell phone out of his pocket and gave the pizza joint a call. He order three large pizzas: a cheese, a pepperoni and a Hawaiian.

At 20 minutes, the pizza boy came with the order. As Matt answered the door, Alex disappeared. When Matt paid, he looked around for Alex. “Hey, where are you?” he yelled through the house.

“I'm in the bedroom!” yelled Alex. Matt carried the three boxes into the bedroom, which was mostly dark expect for a couple of dim lights on. “Over here...” said Alex. He was lying on the bed with most of the pillows behind his back. “About time...I'm hungry...”

Matt placed two of the boxes on the floor beside the bed. He then took one of them and sat right next to Alex. “I'm glad you're hungry, cause you're going to be so full after this!”

“Can't wait!” smiled Alex. Matt opened the box with the cheese pizza. He took one gooey and hot slice out. “Open up...” he said. Alex opened his mouth and took a huge bite out of it. As he chewed, Matt pushed the rest of the slice up to his mouth.

“Slow down, tiger! I need to chew!” Alex was soon done with that slice, then another, then another. Withing half an hour, he was done with the first pizza. He belly was quite distended. Alex took off his shirt and displayed his stuffed gut.

“Ah...poor baby...” Matt ran a hand up and down his boyfriend's full stomach. “And you've only begun...” Matt then grabbed the second box and opened it. He straddled Alex's lap and began feeding him once more.

An hour later, all three pizzas were in Alex's stomach. Alex was panting heavily. His mouth was stained with tomato sauce. He had never in his entire life been more stuffed. He tight belly looked as if he has swallowed an entire basketball. Matt way lying down right beside him, rubbing his gut.

“Man...you're going to get so fat if you keep this up...” said Matt, who was quite pleased with himself.

“Yeah...I know...so stuffed...but feels good...” said Alex.

“Good...” said Matt. “And for being such a good boy and eating all of your food...” Matt then began to kiss Alex's bloated stomach. When his lips reached Alex's belly button, his hands unbuttoned his boyfriend's pants and unzipped them. He tugged on Alex's pants and pulled them off. Clad in only his boxers, Matt could tell that he was turned on by this because of the massive erection that he was sporting.

Matt undid the fly to Alex's boxers and pulled out his shaft, which was around seven inches long and had an average girth to it. He took hold of it with his left hand and proceeded to run his tongue up the shaft slowly, making sure to flick it at the tip to give Alex a little extra pleasure.

“Feels...so good...” said Alex, who was rubbing his belly at the same time.

After several times going up and down Alex's penis with his tongue, Matt wrapped his mouth around it and started to get to work. As he went up and down while tickling Alex's penis with his tongue at the same time, Matt sped up. After a couple minutes of work, Matt heard Alex moaning more intensely than before. He then suddenly ejaculated, letting off a sigh or relief.

Once Matt cleaned up, he whispered into Alex's ear: “You have that to look forward to whenever you stuff that belly of yours...”

Alex looked over at his boyfriend and said “You're on!”
One month later...

Matt had just woken up. He looked over at his alarm clock. It read 8:34 in the morning. He looked over at the person under the blanket beside him and smiled. Making sure not to wake him up, he got out of bed and headed to the shower.

After a quick five minute shower, he heard someone in the kitchen. Matt got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He made sure to adjust it a little for his slightly bigger midriff. Although it was his intension to make boyfriend bigger, he couldn't help himself a couple of times. He walked over to the scale and stepped on it. It read 173 pounds. “Not too bad.” He thought. It wasn't all that noticeable. So he shook it off and went to see what was making that noise in the kitchen.

Being as quite as he could, he peered into the kitchen. There was Alex bent over, face-first in the refrigerator clan only in his white briefs. He was looking for something to eat for breakfast. The first thing that Matt saw was his boyfriend's butt, which was a lot bigger than it was a month ago. Matt quietly snuck up behind Alex, grabbed each of his butt cheeks in each hand and gave them a squeeze. Alex shot up and faced Matt.

“ 'morning, boyfriend!” said Matt while smile. He gave Alex a long kiss.

“Hey you.” said Alex. “Can't keep your hands to yourself?”

“Nope!” said Matt. “You're just so hot!” Matt took a step back and look at how Alex changed.

For the past month, Alex had been being fed huge amount of food by Matt, who would then “reward” him after each session. To help, Alex moved as little as he could throughout the day. Some days he would not leave the bed except to go to the bathroom.

Alex's once-skinny body was replaced by a much pudgier version. His formerly-trim abdomen was now sporting a good sized belly. This stuck out four inches and would often hang over the waistband to his underwear. Alex's pecs now were small man-boobs that jiggle often. His nipples also expanded. His arms ballooned up and were much softer. His cheeks filled out and he now had a hint of a double chin. But most of his new weight went into his butt. His backside looked like two water balloons filled jell-o.

“So I am really fat now?” asked Alex.

“I dunno. Let's get you weighed!” He took Alex's hand and walked him to the bathroom, watching his fat jiggle at the same time. When they got there, Alex stepped on the scale. It read 185 pounds.

“185?” said Matt. “That's 50 pounds heavier than you weighed last month!” Matt leaned in to kiss Alex.

“Well, I couldn't have done it without your help!” Alex kiss Matt back. Shortly, the two were in a make-out session in the middle of the bathroom. As they kissed, Matt's hands kept wandering along Alex's new fat. He would rub his belly, give it a shake and pinch it. Then his hands would wandering to his butt and massage the fat orbs. Both boys were very much turned on by this.

While still making-out, then slowly started walking backwards into the open shower. When they got in, Matt cranked on the warm water, which poured onto the couple. The kissing then intensified. Matt started kiss Alex's chubbier chest, making sure to lick and play with his larger nipples. He then went down and started to kiss his boyfriend's belly. Matt then quickly pulled off the wet briefs that Alex forgot to take off. This freed his erection.

Kissing Alex's neck, Matt turned him around. The water was now splashing down the front of Alex and rolling off his belly. Matt positioned his already-erect penis and inserted it into Alex. Thrusting in and out, Matt reached around to Alex's shaft and began working it with his right hands. His left hands was feeling up Alex, by squeezing, poking and jiggling his fat. Then his hand found Alex's butt and started to feel his bubble butt. Matt intensified his thrusting and both were feeling massive amounts of pleasure. The shower echoed with their moans. Soon Matt and Alex both ejaculated.

With the two panting, Matt pulled out of Alex. Alex turned back around to face Matt. His chubby cheeks were bright red. Matt lifted a hand a placed it on one of Alex's cheeks. He leaned close and gave him a long kiss.

Alex smiled. “I'm fat...”

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