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If FA weren't meant to be, why do we love the WHOLE package?

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
This goes back to my 'Evolutionary reason for attraction to fat partners' thread, but I just realized something else.

Me and most FA are attracted to the WHOLE person. True, while there are fetishists that like only the fat and nothing else matters, for the most part we are attracted to every aspect of the fat woman.

The attraction to the body goes far beyond the breast, belly, and ass. The face is rounder, the lips are fuller, the arms and legs are softer and more pleasing to the touch. Even the hair looks better when it is framing a fat face. Clothing looks SO much more appealing when it is filled with a fat woman's body.

That is just the body. It doesn't stop there. Fat women who are proud of themselves have a lust for life that just can't be beat. It comes out in their personality. It is so exhilarating to be with a woman who has refused the programming that society has tried to ram down her throat. Here is a woman who takes whatever makes her happy and doesn't care what the world thinks. If you are one of the things that makes her happy, it is so glorious to be on the menu.

This has got to be a sign of something that is meant to be. Nature knows the score.

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