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"I'm really concerned about your health....." Friend or Foe?????

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Warrior Momma
Sep 29, 2005
Well, it has happened again. If I had a quarter for each time some well meaning friend or family member has spoke these words to me over the past 52 years.....I would be RICH!

Last night I went to my weekly rehearsal of a woman's chorus called Womansong here in Asheville. This is a wonderful eclectic group. A place where I go to be myself and not be judged. Last night, I was on stage singing a duet with another large woman and we rocked the place. Since I have been having difficulty of late with arthritis, I have not attended in a few weeks or so. While singing, I felt my recently slightly depressed soul soar and was feeling soooooooooo wonderful about life and about myself even!

At break, it happened to me again. A friend came up to me and asked to speak to me privately. She then proceeds to give me the "I'm VERY concerned about your health and it appears that you have gained some weight and I am really worried. You are having trouble with your knees (hello, arthritis???) and have you considered weight loss surgery?"

We have another Womansong member who had the wls and lost the weight BUT also lost kidney function and is now on the transplant list....I don't consider her story a wls success.......silly me! Anyway, I didn't get too upset while talking to my "friend" but it ruined the second half of the rehearsal for me.

What is wrong with some people.........do they believe they are informing you of something you have not considered????? We live in these bodies everyday of our lives.......why must they feel the need to dampen our positive spirit in such a way.

Another friend offered to go beat her up.............but, LOL, I told her maybe next time! GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My two cents.............or should I say "pounds",

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