The moderator at veryfatwomen has been stealing pictures of women(from both paysites and this board) here for far too long and shouldn't be allowed to get away with it anymore.
This may not effect you personally but if you're a female who posts pictures it may at some point and if you're a man who enjoys the pictures it may effect you too as the women may feel less inclined to post pictures knowing they could end up stolen.
Please read and sign the petition and I (or someone else) will forward it with a covering letter as soon as enough people have signed. So please please take two seconds out of your day to do this.
Ok maybe jumping the gun a bit but the only way I can think of to get all the signatures together is by using an online petition.
I used what wrestling man said and posted the links.
Please sign and used a valied email address as you have to prove you signed it. Pass it around as much as possible.
I'm going to X-post this to all the boards to get max exposure. If this isn't allowed please feel free to delete some of the posts.
This may not effect you personally but if you're a female who posts pictures it may at some point and if you're a man who enjoys the pictures it may effect you too as the women may feel less inclined to post pictures knowing they could end up stolen.
Please read and sign the petition and I (or someone else) will forward it with a covering letter as soon as enough people have signed. So please please take two seconds out of your day to do this.
Ok maybe jumping the gun a bit but the only way I can think of to get all the signatures together is by using an online petition.
I used what wrestling man said and posted the links.
Please sign and used a valied email address as you have to prove you signed it. Pass it around as much as possible.
I'm going to X-post this to all the boards to get max exposure. If this isn't allowed please feel free to delete some of the posts.