Ned Sonntag
Outermost Hoodoo Doctor
I got my art-school alumni newspaper PRATTFOLIO yesterday and there's a nice obit for favorite figure-model for two decades, Aviva Stone... great painting by Chris Wright -you probably have to download the PDF to see it, but at Jenny Lee's tribute page at top there's a similar conte-crayon sketch at center-top, next to the nipple-free one I've attached. Sounds like a real character... wish she'd checked in here before checking out... greatly beloved by all...:bow:
I got my art-school alumni newspaper PRATTFOLIO yesterday and there's a nice obit for favorite figure-model for two decades, Aviva Stone... great painting by Chris Wright -you probably have to download the PDF to see it, but at Jenny Lee's tribute page at top there's a similar conte-crayon sketch at center-top, next to the nipple-free one I've attached. Sounds like a real character... wish she'd checked in here before checking out... greatly beloved by all...:bow: