No fat no flavor
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Paul Feine
Paul Feine
I learned this morning that my good friend, Paul Feine passed away in early September, 2006.
I first met Paul on the Prodigy bulletin boards in the early 90s. I later ran into him again in 1996 on AOL in a chat room, and we became friends. I was lucky to meet him in person in 1998 when some friends and I were in Richmond, VA visiting Dave (ATrueFA).
He was an FA who had been in the size acceptance movement since its infancy (30+ years, I believe). He was brilliant. A talented writer (he wrote features for Dimensions' print magazine). And a punster - which drove me crazy, but what I wouldn't give to hear one of his puns now!
Paul had open heart surgery in early 2004. He was offline for 2 months, then he resurfaced twice to let me know he was doing better. Then - silence.
I'd been trying to find out how he was doing since then.
I frequently "googled" him, to see if he was up and about, or worse...
Sadly, this morning I googled him and found this entry in a blog by his friend and coworker. It is an obituary.
I tried to find a newspaper obituary but the local paper only archived them online back to Sept 18. I've written to them to request it. If I get more information, I'll post it.
This is a huge loss to the size accepance movement, to the world in general and yes, to me. He was a dear friend.
Here are some photos:
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March, 1998, at Dave (ATrueFA)'s house
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I saw him briefly on my way through Virginia on the way to the Atlanta NAAFA Convention in August, 2002.
March, 1998, at Dave (ATrueFA)'s house
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Paul in September, 1998 at the Virginia "mini-bash".
Paul in September, 1998 at the Virginia "mini-bash".
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I saw him briefly on my way through Virginia on the way to the Atlanta NAAFA Convention in August, 2002.