Well-Known Member
i was reading a link a friend posted to a blog:
it got me thinking. the writer correctly pointed out how important the community and events were to the social and emotional well being of fat people. i think they are invaluable too. people make lifelong friends and develop a base of wonderful support and have a lot of experiences they might not ordinarily have. but also i've noticed at the same time a lot of issues regarding the community are often glossed over and not talked about. sometimes there can be an unhealthy element just like anything else in society. the blog sort of ignored that even within fat acceptance there are things many people find highly unacceptable about various ways of being fat. are we setting people up for a fall when we act as though the community will cure everything thats wrong in their lives and accept them just they way that they are? are we priming people for disappointment by pretending that they'll never face any obstacles or prejudices within their own community?
it got me thinking. the writer correctly pointed out how important the community and events were to the social and emotional well being of fat people. i think they are invaluable too. people make lifelong friends and develop a base of wonderful support and have a lot of experiences they might not ordinarily have. but also i've noticed at the same time a lot of issues regarding the community are often glossed over and not talked about. sometimes there can be an unhealthy element just like anything else in society. the blog sort of ignored that even within fat acceptance there are things many people find highly unacceptable about various ways of being fat. are we setting people up for a fall when we act as though the community will cure everything thats wrong in their lives and accept them just they way that they are? are we priming people for disappointment by pretending that they'll never face any obstacles or prejudices within their own community?