It occurred to me the other day, that yo-yo dieting is a misnomer, as - from what I've read - most people regain AND THEN SOME. The oft quoted figure is 90 or 95% of weight-loss diets failing - leading to regain. I remember reading testimony from one woman who entirely blames her +150lb weightgain on repeatedly clobbering her metabolism with harsh diets, (every time she finished a diet "cycle" the daily calorie intake she was able to take in without regain got lower and lower). I'm sure you've all read or experienced similar first or second hand.
Given that it's also been pretty well established that yo-yoing, is waaay bad for your health, not to mention no fun at all... I thought it'd be a Good Thing to dynamite this particular meme from the "obesity epidemic" mythos, and replace it with a phrase that says what it REALLY is:
Ratchet gaining.
If every time you finish a weight-loss diet you regain all the weight lost and then add some more. Well, that's just like cranking up a ratchet tighter and tighter...
What are your thoughts on this idea?
This is brought to you by The Myth Prevention Campaign... also known as Threads Making People Cross....
Given that it's also been pretty well established that yo-yoing, is waaay bad for your health, not to mention no fun at all... I thought it'd be a Good Thing to dynamite this particular meme from the "obesity epidemic" mythos, and replace it with a phrase that says what it REALLY is:
Ratchet gaining.
If every time you finish a weight-loss diet you regain all the weight lost and then add some more. Well, that's just like cranking up a ratchet tighter and tighter...
What are your thoughts on this idea?
This is brought to you by The Myth Prevention Campaign... also known as Threads Making People Cross....