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Janet: POV - by acetate90210 (SSBBW, Gluttony, ~Gas, Sloth)

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Jan 25, 2009
SSBBW, Gluttony, ~Gas, Sloth - A SSBBW starts her day...

Janet: POV
By acetate90210

[Author’s Note:] This, my first attempt at a story, begins as introspective working up to erotica. Some parts (especially PART 2) go over the top. I believe parts 3-5 are the most interesting, so try not to get discouraged early! For best results, scale your browser as closely as possible to 8 1/2" by 11" paper size.

Part 1 – Morning Routine.

Story begins with Janet being awaken by hunger.


*burp "Woah, starving already! Hmm.... Now I'm torn.. I reaaaalllyy don't want to walk all the way down to the kitchen just yet, but I'm getting pretty freakin hungry.. Maybe there's some remnants from last nights binge somewhere within reach..."

Janet heaves herself up a bit, causing some empty wrappers strewn at her sides to cascade down to the floor. This leaves open about a foot of space on either side of her far too small twin sized bed. The effort of moving her huge weight not only begins to tire her, but stirs up some gas saved up from her eating spree of the previous night.

"OOOH! Some... " *BRAAP "M&Ms were hiding under my boob! A little melted, but whatever. Wow. I can't believe I've gotten to the point where I'm actually picking food off myself to avoid having to get up. That's pretty bad.. hold that thought.... Just gotta spread my legs a bit here.." Frrrrrrtttttt "...oh man, that felt good. I forgot what I was saying there. OH GOD! Three whole donuts under my gut! " *stuff.. stuff.. chew..* " Somehow, the warmth from my stomach made them even.." Buurp " ...more delicious!"

"Alright, I think all the effort it took sloshing around there actually just made me hungrier. Ugghhh, now I HAVE to get up."

With a mighty heave, Janet swings her mammoth legs to one side of her bed. This scrunches her stomach together on one side and frees it up a bit on the other, though there are still considerable love handles. Finally she balances in a sitting position.

"Wooah. I actually feel a bit light headed from all that effort right there. Its getting a little worse every day. Might just have to start sleeping on the couch from now on. Man, I'm getting to be such a whale."

"Anyways, lets see... Is there anything else I want to do before I get all the way downstairs and start eating? I don't want to have to walk all the way back up here at another point in the day. I AM curious as to my weight lately. Probably should shower too, haven't done that in like a week. Yeah, guess I'll head over to the bathroom first. Not even like I have to undress considering I never put any clothes on yesterday. Eh, I'm sure people do that all the time. It's not like I went anywhere. Alright, here we go.... Getting up...."

Janet pulls with all her might. She gets four inches up (meaning the fat from her ass is still almost in full contact with the bed, just less spread out) and crashes back.

"Wow, I am really out of shape. I wonder what 'ol Hayley (captain of the track team from high school) would think of that." I bet she's just as bad. I never understood how she stayed thin with how much she ate."


"Alright, alright. Quiet now, stomach. Lets try this again."
This time, Janet lets her paunch flow further in front of her, giving her enough leverage to get her gelatinous body up. She begins toward the bathroom, the fat all over her body in full motion.

"Oh man, feels like I still have some food stuck in my cleavage. Damn, I'm sure with all the shaking that’s gone on its too mashed up to eat now. Let's see... oh it's a Snickers! Oh wait, the whole bag is in there! How much"... mmmph... did I eat where"... nomn... I was able to miss this entire bag! Well, that held me over for a second hahaha. Oh look at this! I have to take the door sideways now. That's kinda new. I'm surprised I'm any thinner sideways than forward, but I guess I am. Still a tight squeeze."

Janet attempts the scale. Luckily its an industrial model capable of holding 800 pounds. Janet's not quite there yet.

*fRRRTTTttt... "Oh JESUS that one reeked! I'm surprised with all of the sweets I eat they can be that rotten. Oh man I'm getting wet... no, time for that later. Just weigh yourself now so you can start on breakfast. Lets see... reading the number in the mirror, looks like 425, no wait, 452. Speaking of the mirror, how do I look?"

Janet fancies herself in the mirror for a good minute.

"Well, I still have avoided much cellulite. Then again I'm only 22, so that could still be around the corner especially the way I've been going. Oh, I think those fat folds are new ones. Never had those bunches under my tits before, but I guess they're here to stay. Boy I can barely move without jiggling all around. My ass looks big enough to crush a man to death if I wanted to! Alright, lets get this shower over with. I'm getting tired."

Janet's steps in the shower, turns on the hot water and lets it run down her body. It takes three full seconds for any murky junk-food clogged water to hit the shower floor. She washes every part of her body with a long handle scrub brush and soapy water. At this point she's getting ravenous.

"Why am I even bothering with this? How long am I even going to stay clean after I get out of here? I wonder when it got to the point that I'd be soiled with food the second I finished showering? It all seems like it happened so gradually. I used to be able to wait a full 20 minutes after I got out of the shower before I ate. I'm surprised I've made it this long without anything but three donuts, a bag of snickers and M&Ms. I think that's clean enough."

Rushing to dry herself (and nearly losing her balance) Janet finally waddles off to the kitchen.

Continued in post #3

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