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Kelby and Will - By Undine (~BHM, ~BBW, ~~FA, ~FFA)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2012
BHM, BBW, ~FA, FFA - A young woman struggles with her attraction to larger men and her own weight issues.

Kelby and Will

By Undine​

Kelby wandered along the aisle, here and there seeing something she needed and dropping it into her basket. The harsh fluorescent lights of the supermarket were making her eyes hurt; it was dark and dreary outside and she supposed they were just too bright, reflecting off of the white interior. After depositing a pack of double-fudge mint cream cookies in amongst her items, she shifted the basket to her other hand and rubbed her eyes. As she looked up, she caught sight of a guy at the other end of the aisle, looking at the chips.

“Wow…” she breathed. He was tall, perhaps a little over six feet, with gleaming dark curls, smooth pale skin, and a very large frame. She estimated him to be at least 320 pounds, with chubby cheeks, thick arms, a rounded bottom, and an absolutely delicious belly that stretched out his brown t-shirt and hung down a bit over the waistband of his jeans, obscuring any evidence of a belt. He was engrossed in reading the back of a bag of chips, then placed them in his nearly-full cart and grabbed two more bags. Kelby’s breathing began to quicken – he was gorgeous.

She began to slowly move down the aisle to get a better look at him, pretending to be looking for something. Then a disapproving voice spoke in her head: You’re being weird again, Kelby, stop with this fat thing. She shook her head, trying to silence her inner critic. She’d always been attracted to heavy guys, but had never dated one. Never really dated anyone, the voice mocked her.

She furrowed her brow. The fat thing had always kind of scared her – she’d never heard of anyone liking someone because of excess poundage, but she undeniably did. She’d known since ninth grade, when a new art teacher came to her school. He was just out of college, a jovial young man with chocolate-colored hair and a laughing voice. He was also in the neighborhood of 400 pounds, and Kelby was smitten with him. She’d always enjoyed art class, but Mr. Swenson’s arrival turned it into something that she pined for all day until sixth period, and then again as soon as she walked out the art room door, though at first she couldn’t understand why. One day at the end of Drawing II the second half of freshman year, Kelby caught herself mesmerized by the sight of Mr. Swenson’s large belly wobbling from side to side as he erased the board, and it hit her like a boulder dropped from the sky: fat was incredibly hot to her. She’d never forget the way his paunch pressed into her back when he would lean over her to look at her work, always giving her a smile and telling her she was doing fantastically. Kelby had always been afraid that the shivers this induced would be a giveaway to her feelings, or else would offend him, but he never gave any indication that he suspected anything. During high school, Kelby had taken every art class her school offered, and not just because she liked art.

While the realization that she liked fat guys sometimes caused her to wonder about her sanity, it ultimately didn’t matter one bit. Kelby had been painfully shy most of her life. She’d had a few friends, but none of them were the sort one would tell this kind of strange secret to. She’d also had one sort-of boyfriend, who’d been from a different school and had only lasted half of her senior year, but he hadn’t been the slightest bit fat and had ended up doing some pretty nasty things to her. So her high school years had been quite lonely. She preferred not to attract any attention to herself, so she steered clear of most extracurricular activities, save the art club. Kelby herself was somewhat overweight, and terribly self-conscious of the fact. She was often teased by the pretty, popular girls and their guy friends, even though she knew she wasn’t all that big.

Yeah, nothing compared to now, the voice berated her.

Shut up, she told it, sneaking another glance at the big guy, who was now browsing the cookies on her side of the aisle, no more than fifteen feet away. Her eyes danced over his body, drinking in the details. He had a sweet little double chin – clean-shaven – and wonderfully soft-looking love handles at his sides. And that belly… Kelby nearly licked her lips at the sudden image of herself grabbing a handful of it, feeling its suppleness, pulling his weight on top of her…

She looked up to his face, and to her horror, saw that he was frozen, staring right back at her with an expression of pained anger upon his handsome face. She opened her mouth, but nothing would come out. He threw the package of Oreos he’d had in his hands back on the shelf, turned, and walked out of the aisle.

“Oh, no,” she muttered. “Good job, Kelby.” She glumly continued her shopping, hoping to catch another glimpse of the guy, if only to give him a little smile or something to try and repair her mistake, but she didn’t see him. When she was turning into the last aisle, two loud, familiar, girly voices came drifting toward her, and she hurried back into the aisle she’d just been in.

“Please don’t let them see me, please don’t let them see me…” she prayed as she dashed behind a display for frozen shrimp. Kelby had hoped to escape Annie’s and Jess’ tormenting when she went to college, but there was a great university just thirty miles from her hometown which nearly her entire graduating class had decided to attend, the two bubbleheads included. They had been on the other end of campus last year, but Kelby had heard that the pair would be sharing an apartment in her building this year. And if they were shopping at this grocery store, it must mean that they had already moved in. Kelby had been there alone all summer to take classes, and had immensely enjoyed the peace and quiet of having her own apartment in an almost-empty building. But now…

“…and did you see Joey?” one of them squeaked, their voices getting closer.

“Omigod! He got sooooo hot!” the other one replied.

“We’re totally going to have to have a party next weekend, and invite, like, everybody.”

“That sounds, like, so awesome!” Jess said, her highlighted ponytail bouncing, as they came into view.

Kelby held her breath, crossing her fingers, hoping they wouldn’t turn down her aisle. Thankfully, they kept moving past the aisle’s end and went into the next one. She exhaled sharply, and hurried through the last aisle so she could check out.

She was unloading her basket onto the conveyor belt when she heard them again, approaching her from behind. Her muscles immediately tensed, and she could feel her pulse quicken in fear. Maybe if I just…if I just don’t turn around, she thought desperately. She dumped out the rest of her basket and tossed a divider behind her items, silently damning the grocery store, for only having one lane open, and the person in front of her, who had had two carts full of items.

“Yeah, so, like, where should we go tonight?”

“I heard that Sigma Phi is having a pre-classes bash at their house. We should totally go, it’s toga.”

“Omigosh! Like, awesome!” Jess said excitedly.

“Yeah, I heard that Josh is pledging them this year, I so hope he gets in.”

“Yeah, the more hot guys at their parties, the more I’ll go to!”

“OMIGAWD!” Annie squawked.

“Wow, you’re, like, loud, Annie. What?”

“Isn’t that, like, that Kelby girl?” Annie said, making an effort to lower her voice but failing.

Kelby could feel her ears beginning to burn, but she resolutely stayed facing the cashier.

“You mean that loser we went to high school with? I think so,” Jess replied, no quieter.

“Yeah, it totally is. Wow.”

“Yeah, wow. She got huge,” Jess commented.

Kelby felt her neck flushing beneath her thick chestnut bun, and her eyes began to prick.

“Yeah,” Annie agreed, “she looks like a cow. I mean, she was always, like, fat, but now she’s really gross. She had to have gained, like, at least twenty pounds,” she said knowingly.

Thirty, the nasty little voice in Kelby’s head piped up. Her vision was blurring, and she tried to blink the saline away.

“Ugh, like, who does she think she is, wearing that?” Jess said in disgust.

Kelby looked down at her jean shorts and t-shirt. They are too tight, aren’t they? she thought miserably. She shifted her weight quickly, crossing her arms over her belly.

“Eww, can you say ‘cellulite’? People who look like that shouldn’t be allowed to wear anything but a big sack.”

Jess laughed. “And look what she’s buying! Like, omigosh!”

She glanced wildly at her items, which the cashier was just starting to run over the scanner. Cookies, chips, ice cream, candy, mozzarella sticks, frozen pizzas… A single tear escaped her right eye and rolled down her cheek.

“Ew, you’d think she wanted to be disgusting or something, eating all that crap,” Annie commented. “I’ll bet she, like, goes home and eats it all tonight and then comes back tomorrow for more.”

Another tear leaked out.

“Ugh. Did she, like, ever even have a boyfriend?” Jess wondered.

“Omigosh, no way! No guy at our school would have touched her, like, ever! Not even the blind kid!” They both giggled. “I’ll bet,” Annie continued, “that she’s still never had a boyfriend. I’ll bet that she’s still never even been, like, screwed.”

“Well, like, God, who would want to touch all that disgusting fat?”

Kelby flinched, as if hit. The two girls laughed behind her as she fumbled for her money. When she turned slightly to hand it to the cashier – a tiny, withered-looking old man who seemed blissfully unaware of the show taking place in his line – she saw the big guy standing in line behind Jess and Annie. Oh, great, she thought. He was glaring at her tormentors, tapping his fingers on the handle of his cart. Tears were now flowing down her face uncontrollably, and she was shaking so hard as she took her change back that she dropped it. She quickly knelt down and gathered up her money as best as she could without being able to see, grabbed her bags, and fled the store, the sounds of their giggling ringing in her ears.

“Ugh, Kelby, why do you let them do that to you?” she berated herself as she searched for her car, a few raindrops falling from the deep charcoal sky onto her face, mingling with her tears. “Crap, why can’t I ever remember where I park?”

Someone was yelling behind her. “Hey! Hey, miss!”

She turned around and saw the hefty guy she’d been ogling jogging towards her, his physique jiggling enticingly. Her eyes widened, and she backed up a few steps, but he was coming straight at her.

“Hey –“ He stopped in front of her. “You – dropped this – at the – register,” he gasped, holding something out to her.

She tentatively reached out for it, and saw that it was a twenty dollar bill. “Oh, my gosh…I-I didn’t even realize I’d dropped this. Thank you so much,” she told him quietly but gratefully.

He nodded, swallowing hard. “No problem.” He glanced around, then looked down at the ground before looking back at her tear-streaked face. “You okay?” He had a rich, deep voice that made her think of smooth black lava.

Kelby felt her face redden and her insides clench. “Um, yeah, f-fine.”

He nodded again. “Okay. Well…”

“Um, thanks…again. Not many people would have brought this back,” she said, holding up the money.

He shrugged. “I’d hope someone would do it for me.”

Now it was her turn to nod. “Well…”

“Uhh…have a nice day. Um, night,” he said.

“You, too.”


Her first two classes on Monday were great. She’d already learned some new tricks in Graphics, and though they hadn’t been able to do anything yet, Metal Sculpture II sounded really exciting. So even though she wasn’t particularly looking forward to it, she was in a good mood as she entered the science building for her only gen. ed., Health Issues in Today’s Society. She’d only had one class in this building before, Intro to Biology, so she had a little trouble finding the classroom, and ended up hurrying in with only three minutes before it started.

She sat in the back, pulled out a notebook and pen, and caught her breath, surveying the room. The class wasn’t nearly as big as she’d expected it to be, considering it was a gen. ed. About twenty people were spread out around the room, most of them appearing to be freshmen. But then – No, it can’t be, she thought, staring at dark curls and a wide back a few rows ahead of her. He turned around to check the clock, and Kelby shrunk in her seat, desperate to not be seen. It was the guy from the supermarket, looking even more handsome and chubby than the last time she’d seen him. He was wearing a plain blue button-down shirt which was stretched tight across his back, and Kelby spent the next two and a half minutes fantasizing about what it looked like around his belly until the professor entered the room.

“Good afternoon, class. I am Dr. Herndon, and this is Health Issues in Today’s Society,” the short, wiry woman said primly. “Let’s start by taking attendance, to make sure that everyone is where he or she should be. Azatti, Hannah?”

A girl near the front raised her hand, and the teacher continued to call out names. Kelby kept her eyes fixed on the supermarket guy, excited to find out his name. “Curfman, William?” Her guy raised his hand. “Do you prefer your name shortened in any way, Mr. Curfman?”

“Will is fine,” he replied in his smooth voice.

“Very good,” the teacher replied, jotting it down on her attendance chart. “Dorin, Kelby?”

Kelby raised her hand.

“Alright.” She continued to call out names, Kelby not recognizing any of them, until she said, “Ryan, Anne?”

“Call me Annie, thanks,” a voice squeaked near the front.

Oh, no, Kelby thought. Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no… She felt her good mood drain away.

“Smith, Jessalyn?”

Kelby’s eyed widened in dismay as a similarly squeaky voice spoke from the front, “Just call me Jess!”

Kelby only heard about half of the teacher’s introduction to the class, such was her anxiety at being in the same class as the two girls who had made her life hell since fifth grade. Please, don’t let us have to do anything in groups, please… she silently pleaded.

But then Dr. Herndon said, “The majority of the work you will do in this class will be in pairs. I have already selected these pairs, and will announce them now.

She felt like she was suffocating as the professor began to read off pairs of names.

“Jess Smith…”

Kelby stopped breathing altogether.

“…you will be with Will Curfman.”

Kelby exhaled. Okay, I’m not with Jess. Good so far.

“Kelby Dorin…you will be with…hmm…oh, yes, you’re with Anne – Annie Ryan.”

Kelby sucked air in too fast and choked a bit as the teacher passed around papers with the topics for their first presentation, and explained that she wanted the presentations to begin next week. Kelby glanced down at the paper and saw that she and Annie would be presenting next Wednesday, on the topic of smoking in public. Jess and Will’s first topic was childhood obesity. She winced and looked up at his back, suspecting from his reaction to her wandering eyes that this would be a terrible topic for him to cover.

“…and if there are any scheduling conflicts between you and your partner, please see me after class, and we can try to work something out,” Dr. Herndon was saying. “Class is dismissed.”

Kelby just sat there, still in shock. She would have to work with Annie Ryan, the girl who had encouraged their entire class to call her Jell-O (her reasoning being that Kelby jiggled when she walked). She noticed the rest of the class filing out around her, and Will still sitting in his seat, hunched over, his ears red. Annie and Jess were up at Dr. Herndon’s desk, talking animatedly to her.

“Kelby, Will. Can I see you both for a moment?” their professor called.

Kelby swallowed hard and gingerly slid out of her seat. When they had both reached her desk, she said, “Jess and Annie tell me that they both have very difficult schedules, being involved with cheerleading and their sorority and several other activities. But since they are roommates and are both involved in the same things, they have asked if it would be acceptable for them to partner up. As long as neither of you have any objection, I’ll allow them to, and I’ll put you two together. Do either of you have a problem with this?”

Kelby shook her head, and she saw Will doing the same out of the corner of her eye. She was immensely relieved, but at the same time panicked. She’d made a complete idiot out of herself in front of him, and now she was going to have to see him and work with him all the time. Her social skills had improved since she’d come to college, but she didn’t think she’d come far enough to handle this. But your alternative is working with Annie, she reminded herself.

“Very good,” Dr. Herndon nodded. “Now, the matter of topics…” She gave Kelby, then Will an appraising look, and gave a small nod. “Right. Jess and Annie, you will take childhood obesity, and Will and Kelby will tackle smoking. The topic dates are the same, just change the partners accordingly. Any more questions, please contact me; my number is on the syllabus.”

Dr. Herndon swiftly exited the room. Jess and Annie were bouncing joyfully, already chatting about the guest list for their party. Kelby and Will turned to each other. “Hi…again,” he said nervously.

She gave a timid smile, looking at a point over his left shoulder. “Hi.” She didn’t want to embarrass either of them again by letting her eyes drift to his body.

“So, uhh…I guess we should exchange schedules and screen names, I mean, we have to do this next week already.”

She nodded, and wordlessly walked back to her desk for a piece of paper and pen. She jotted down a quick list of her classes and their times, and her screen name. She looked up and saw that he was doing the same at his desk, his head bent low. Kelby took the opportunity to examine his middle, which looked even larger in the stiffer fabric of his button-down. She quickly averted her eyes as he straightened, and approached her desk.

They exchanged papers, and she spoke up. “It looks like we have pretty similar schedules…”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Do you want to set a time to meet now, or is there anything you need to check on first?”

“Umm, I don’t think so.”

“Okay,” he said, “how about tomorrow at six in the lobby of the library?”

Kelby nodded, and said, “That’s fine,” sneaking a glance up at his face. He had smooth, white skin, with chubby cheeks and full, soft-looking lips. She noticed that his eyes were a strikingly clear, pale grey, with heavy dark lashes. She sighed to herself, knowing that a social leper such as herself had no chance with a gorgeous guy like him, even if he wasn’t what society considered conventionally good-looking.

“Okay, I’ll see you then, Kelby,” he told her with a small smile.

Her lips curled up nervously as she said, “See you then, Will.”
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